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Message 1 of 5

Why would rain affect my Halo 1 broadband connection?


Since I changed to Halo 1, nearly 2 years ago, I've had frequent episodes of much slower or total loss of broadband. It happens especially during periods of heavy rain, when connection is usually lost completely, after which, it returns at a much reduced speed for several hours, which is too slow for most sites to be used.

In between times broadband works normally, but it isn't reliable for long periods of time. Has anybody got any ideas on what could be causing this problem? I don't want to renew my contract and pay £45 per month if I'm unable to use broadband for long periods.

















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Message 2 of 5

Re: Why would rain affect my Halo 1 broadband connection?

For three months I had been having issues where my broadband would drop down to about 8-20Mb/s at times - a third of the usual downloads. At times it would disconnect too.

Later realised that it seemed to be at after heavy rain had started and would fix after the heavy rain had gone.

OpenReach changed everything except the cable which runs underground into the house - which they have now done this week. Hopefully it will fix my issue.

My daughter was having similar issues with loss of broadband during heavy rain - after several visits one of the team said straight away it sounds like water getting in - and they found water had corodid the connections in the junction box.



Since I changed to Halo 1, nearly 2 years ago, I've had frequent episodes of much slower or total loss of broadband. It happens especially during periods of heavy rain, when connection is usually lost completely, after which, it returns at a much reduced speed for several hours, which is too slow for most sites to be used.

In between times broadband works normally, but it isn't reliable for long periods of time. Has anybody got any ideas on what could be causing this problem? I don't want to renew my contract and pay £45 per month if I'm unable to use broadband for long periods.




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Message 3 of 5

Re: Why would rain affect my Halo 1 broadband connection?

Hi @TLynn and welcome back.

Thanks for posting about your connection issue. I'm sorry you're having problems. Have you reported this as a fault? If it's only happening during heavy rain then it does sound like the issue @ozsat has had.



Message 4 of 5

Re: Why would rain affect my Halo 1 broadband connection?

Thanks for your reply ozsat. It does sound likely that this could be my main problem. Will investigate further.
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Message 5 of 5

Re: Why would rain affect my Halo 1 broadband connection?

Thanks for getting back @TLynn . Please let us know how things go.



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