Hi all,
I’n new here so please forgive me if this is the wrong place to post.
I have had numerous issues with my Wi-fi in recent weeks. So much so that it led to BT sending me a new Router. My issue appears to only really be with wireless as the ethernet connections are fine. Light on hub is constantly blue, no random changes to pink or such
The new router did not solve the problem and actually feels like I’m less connected! Anyway after numerous tests, pings, restarts and resets they are now sending me a BT Home Tech Expert on 20th December (8days away) and switching back on my mini hub for the time being.
What exactly will this expert do? I’ve lived here 14yrs and it’s only in the last 9-12mths that my connection seems to be sporadically inconsistent.
I had an engineer out a few months ago to sort the line out which he said the issue was in the cab. Working from home is becoming increasingly harder with such a dodgy connection.
Thanks in advance, and sorry for the essay lol
from what you have posted and that your ethernet connections are fine then your incoming line and internet are ok.. problem is wifi from the hub
have you turned of smart setup
have you tried changing the wifi channels by using a wifi analyser on your phone to check network signal strength and also the networks round about you that way you can select a free or less congested channel
have you tried changing the wireless mode in hub advanced/wireless