I have a USB wifi dongle which is showing on i.e. lit, but no show in Network and Internet
Unplug the dongle and try it in another port
Tried that - no difference. If i unplug the ethernet cable, would that make a difference to the wifi option turning up?
You should be able to see a list of the available Wi-Fi networks even with the ethernet cable plugged in.
Have you disabled the wireless adapter?
What operating system are you running?
I haven't disabled the wireless adapter (as far as i know) - never touch anything if I can help it. No wifi networks appear. Windows 10
When you left-click the network icon in the system tray (bottom Right Hand corner of your screen), do you see the blue button and a list of Wi-Fi networks as below.
Only Network 2 appears
I have no idea what you mean by that.
Do you see the blue button?
Sorry - all that happens when I left-click the network icon is get Network 2 - no blue button, in fact, no buttons at all. Just the words Network 2 on a grey background. Thanks for all your help so far.
The screenshot I posted is, as far as I know, standard to all windows 10 machines so if you're not seeing that then I don't know what else to suggest.
Have you ever been able to use Wi-Fi on that machine?