Hi All,
Not sure where to put this. I went on a walk today and ended up passing the Windy Hill transmitting station which is apparently owned by BT (I assume this might be open reach now). However the area immediately around the transmitting station is an eyesaw as it has been used for fly tipping - including a large horsebox. It’s discussing, especially since this is a SSSI. I have reported the fly tipping to the council but on googling for the address to do this it looks like it’s a regular site for dumping.
The station itself has a secure compound but this set back and has its own access road that is freely accessible from the A672. Could BT add a gate (and stile for the public footpath) so the fly toppers can’t get to the station?
The area around the transmitter is the reasonability by Rochdale Council. You should contact them and report it at: rochdale.gov.uk/flytipping or by calling 0300 303 8884.
@me54m wrote:
I highly doubt Calderdale and less so Rochdale council will maintain the track.
They may not own it but they will know who does!