<p>See our <a href="https://www.bt.com/help/broadband/bt-cloud/getting-set-up/download-or-access-files/how-do-i-download-files--folders-and-devices-from-bt-cloud-">help page</a> for further information.</p>
My Halo 1 expires on November 4th. My bill from today until mid November is unchanged as is the predicted cost for the next bill.
Options team didn’t want to give any deals out for renewing so it will be left. The online renewal “deals” on My BT are laughable. Halo 3 for £19.99 more per month… err no thanks!
@orozz From what I've seen working elsewhere the options team may not have had any offers to give you, didn't want to give any deals is very strong words.....