Yesterday I had an open reach engineer out. Did a great job. After 10mins or they had been left there was a loud pop fizz smoke and burning smell. The plug literally blew up. Just Happy I was in when it happened.
Out of interest has this happened to anyone else. I have images but the size is to large to upload.
You would have to imagine this is a coincidence, unlucky for sure, I assume you have a spare power supply for it?
I havent had it with a BT plug but I did get it with a 12v DC adapter for something else, in fact I do have images of of the caps blew up....I know this might not be helpful but as a show of solidarity, this sort of thing has happened to me before, also tripped the power in my house too.
I have had to order a replacement. We are due to move house later this year so will go with the mesh option