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Message 1 of 7

BT Whole Home Wifi 6 and the neighbours

Hi all,
So I got myself Whole Home Wifi 6, the 3 pack. Router's wifi is turned off, each disc is wired into the router.

Problem 1: The next door neighbour appears to have the same wifi kit and the app keeps picking up that signal. So when opening the app I'm getting the following message:

New Whole Home network detected

By selecting 'Continue' your Whole Home network xxx settings will be removed from the app.

This phenomenally useless message comes with but one button: "Continue". I can close the message with the {x} in the top right corner but all that does is bringing the same message back again after a few seconds. A button "permanently ignore other people's networks and focus on mine" would come in handy. BTW, I'm sitting in front of one of the discs when that happens; I doubt the other signal is stronger. The discs dropped out earlier, for no apparent reason, and I had to switch them off and on a few times to get the to cooperate again - which lost the light settings (I had turned the blue lights to less aggressive). Am I supposed to ask all neighbours to turn their BT wifi off so I can get to the configuration of mine?

Problem 2: I'm reasonably technical and I don't quite get the concept of the master disc. It's a mesh of 3 discs, if one of them drops out, why do all the others follow suit? As mentioned above, they're all connected via cable straight to the router. Have I missed a configuration switch I can't get to unless the neighbours ... 

Any help/tips appreciated.


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Message 2 of 7

Re: BT Whole Home Wifi 6 and the neighbours

May it help others:
Got the IP addresses of the discs from my router, browsed to one of them and voila - wired access. No messing with the neighbours.
The web app and the phone app are a bit out of sync, the phone app says disc 3 is disconnected due to a firmware incompatibility (??!), the web app shows it as healthy and even promoted it to a primary. Got 2 primaries now(??!)

Anyway, don't have to use the phone app which is a huge relief. As for the problem with the master, maybe 3 primary discs - if that's possible - adds a bit more independence to the mesh. 

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Message 3 of 7

Re: BT Whole Home Wifi 6 and the neighbours

I think the 3 masters is because you have 3 connected by ethernet to hub whereas I think only 1 should be connected by ethernet and others wireless

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Message 4 of 7

Re: BT Whole Home Wifi 6 and the neighbours

You CAN. I've got the cable, why not connect. IMHO a cable should beat amplifying a potentially bad signal.

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Message 5 of 7

Re: BT Whole Home Wifi 6 and the neighbours

If you intended using cable you might as well have bought 3 cheap WAPs rather than an expensive mesh system.

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Message 6 of 7

Re: BT Whole Home Wifi 6 and the neighbours

Had them before but the signal was rather patchy throughout the house. The mesh in itself works quite well and it provides a stable signal.

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Message 7 of 7

Re: BT Whole Home Wifi 6 and the neighbours

"If you intended using cable you might as well have bought 3 cheap WAPs rather than an expensive mesh system."

What has a wired backhaul got to do with mesh steering?

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