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BT Whole Home Wifi setup: “Wrong wifi network. Error code: Setup-045"

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I have been advised by BT support to reset my BT Whole Home Wifi discs to help diagnose a problem with devices dropping off the network and not being able to reconnect. So I did the following:

  • Uninstalled the BT Whole Home Wifi app
  • Reset and turned off each disc (the LED turned red on each disc after turning blue, which wasn’t mentioned in the instructions)
  • Disconnected ethernet cables from all discs except the one connected to the router
  • Reinstalled the BT Whole Home Wifi app and started setup
  • Turned on the disc connected to the router via ethernet and waited for the LED to turn blue
  • Entered the admin password for the disc and renamed it
  • Selected the “add next disc” option
  • Selected “townhouse” as the type of home
  • Clicked Next on the next couple of informational screens
  • Went into the next room and started the location test
  • Got this error: “Wrong wifi network. Error code: Setup-045
  • Tapped “Try again” (many times)
  • Checked that I was connected to the BT-WholeHome-PP8 wifi network
  • Went back to the first disc and tapped “Try again” (many times)
  • The app is not allowing me to go any further.

The support desk is now closed (of course!), so was wondering if anyone could offer any advice?

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Message 2 of 5

Re: BT Whole Home Wifi setup: “Wrong wifi network. Error code: Setup-045"

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Having to rack my brains from memory a little here, ive had every issue with wholehome over the years....

So you dont need to use 'Add a Disc' to add a disc necessarily, at least with the AC2600 version so this may work for you.

Ensure your Master Disc is present on the app  and allowing devices to connect to it to get internet, factory reset one of your addon discs without ethernet connected, really make sure it is by holding the pin in for 10 seconds whilst it is on, do it multiple times if you like, itll just reboot each time then eventually go red, now ignore the app at this point but make sure the only disc in the app is the Master Disc.

Plug the addon disc whilst powered off directly into your router via ethernet ensuring the master is still on and blue solid.....power on the addon disc and just wait, so long as its factory reset it will boot up and grab the stuff it needs from the Master Disc, wait until the LED goes solid blue, open the app and you should see a disc there called 'New Disc'.....then just configure it from there, rename it etc....once renamed just go put it where it used to be and power it back on.

This is how I used to add discs to my AC2600 set, the same method will actually allow you to keep adding discs beyond the 6 limit also 🙂


BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
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Message 3 of 5

Re: BT Whole Home Wifi setup: “Wrong wifi network. Error code: Setup-045"

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Thanks so much for this - those instructions actually work, and the BT app really doesn't....

Message 4 of 5

Re: BT Whole Home Wifi setup: “Wrong wifi network. Error code: Setup-045"

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No problem, glad it worked.

I had 9 discs running once, trust me I've been through plenty of eventualities 🙂

Usually when you buy a pack of 3 together (or two) they are all factory set with the same SSID and the app should work fine then.

If you are adding a disc to your network but its an addon disc it will have a different SSID with it, which will be stamped on the back, that SSID will always return after a factory reset, so if you use the app to locate it somewhere it will be on the wrong WIFI network to add. This is why addon disks bought after the initial 'pack' will always need to be connected to the router, factory reset and then started up, at which point they will seek the master disc and grab what they need.

Hey if you mark the initial response as solved itll help anyone else with the same question.

BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
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Message 5 of 5

Re: BT Whole Home Wifi setup: “Wrong wifi network. Error code: Setup-045"

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Thanks - that's good to know