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Message 1 of 5

Caller number display not working on my landline (BT Premium) phone

Caller display is activated automatically for all Sky Talk customers but having just purchased a new BT Premium Phone (product code: 090631)  which should allow me see who is calling before I pick up, I am not getting this display but simply 'incoming call'. I spoke to Sky at the weekend who confirmed that there was nothing stopping caller display from their end and having spoken to the BT Help desk today, they have referred me back to Sky as there was nothing on the phone to prevent the incoming caller number being displayed. Frustrating as the caller display function was one of the main reasons for us updating our landline phone and wonder if anyone else has experienced this problem.

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Message 2 of 5

Re: Caller number display not working on my landline (BT Premium) phone

Its more likely to be a Sky issue, however you may like to contact the product helpline for advice.

Product helpdesk information

If your phone is within warranty:

By phone: 0800 145 6789

Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.30pm, Saturday 9am to 2pm

By email: Click here for email support

If your product is out of warranty contact BT's recommended agent

By phone: 0800 980 8999

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Message 3 of 5

Re: Caller number display not working on my landline (BT Premium) phone

I suppose a simple check is to take the phone to another location ( neighbour, friend, relative ) who have a landline with active caller display, plug this phone into their landline and call it , if the phone does display the CLI , then it’s obviously not the phone ….it’s Sky ,
FWIW , the phone may be branded as BT , but if it is faulty it would be like any other faulty item purchase, return it to the retailer for a replacement or refund.
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Message 4 of 5

Re: Caller number display not working on my landline (BT Premium) phone

Spoke to the BT product helpdesk earlier today as mentioned in my post. I also think it is a Sky line issue but they are resisting this at present.

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Message 5 of 5

Re: Caller number display not working on my landline (BT Premium) phone

Thanks for this suggestion and will do this if I have no obvious solution in the next few days.

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