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Message 91 of 154

Re: Issues post firmware upgrade SMARTHUB 2

@Les-Gibson The URL for smart setup is;

Message 92 of 154

Re: Issues post firmware upgrade SMARTHUB 2

My SmartHub 2 hasnt yet been updated, so I can likely also check the URL later this evening when i get back home, if that would help.

I really hope that Smart Setup has been removed completely (and not enforced). It really is a waste of time, and doesn't actually help the end user.
BT Halo 3+ (FTTC) | BT Digital Voice | BT Sport (on Sky Q) | Stretham, Ely
Message 93 of 154

Re: Issues post firmware upgrade SMARTHUB 2


I doubt you will individualy be able to opt out of any upgrade or be put on hold.

Not everybody who has be upgraded has had problems. I have had no issue and I see other forum users have said the same.

While there are reports on this forum it is not exactly swamped and the reports that are on the forum are being investigated.

No doubt given the numbers that are usually upgraded at a time the vast majority will probably be unaware that an upgrade has taken place. 

While the UI may not look the best it does not stop the functionality of the pages and unless you have a compunction to log on to it every day how often to you actually need to use it.

0 Ratings
Message 94 of 154

Re: Issues post firmware upgrade SMARTHUB 2

@Ash007  @Salem874 

Thanks for responding to my request for the URL for Smart Setup, using this I was able to prove that Smart Setup has not been done away with it has just been hidden.

Those of you having problems with this update, I suggest you log into your hub as Admin, open the following link in your browser and disable it if it is not already disabled.

NB: Clicking on the link without first entering your Admin password will not work

The Smart Setup URL is

Edit::  A big blackmark to BT for achieving a new level of underhandedness!!!


Message 95 of 154

Re: Issues post firmware upgrade SMARTHUB 2

I forgot to add that when it occurs with v31, the uptime is reset, max I have achieved is 26mins.

0 Ratings
Message 96 of 154

Re: Issues post firmware upgrade SMARTHUB 2


@Ash007  @Salem874 

The Smart Setup URL is

Hi @Les-Gibson 

That link simply takes me to the Home page. Perhaps there is a clue there, if you are getting the smart setup page then the firmware may have not updated correctly. I have zero problems with v33 and have 28 devices attached.

Message 97 of 154

Re: Issues post firmware upgrade SMARTHUB 2

@gg30340   i don’t care about UI but if the only benefit of this possibly flawed upgrade is corporate unbranding then why not postpone the roll out.  

i am still trying to resolve my original v31  bug that disconnects wifi for 3-8 seconds regularly. 

BT Smart Hub 2 + BT Disc on full fibre 150Meg Halo FTTP
Macs and iphones, plus alexa, YouView box, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV+
CFP project lead.
0 Ratings
Message 98 of 154

Re: Issues post firmware upgrade SMARTHUB 2


Sorry, yes you're quite right, I forgot to say that you need to be logged in to the hub, i.e click Advanced settings and click on one of the buttons and enter your Admin password.

Thanks for pointing that out, I' amend my original post to include this.

0 Ratings
Message 99 of 154

Re: Issues post firmware upgrade SMARTHUB 2


Can you point out where the "Smart Set Up" is on the page you are using because there is no "Smart Set Up" on my UI page using the link that was posted or going in directly from my own set up. That includes when being logged onto Advance settings.

Have you done a factory reset since the upgrade because it appears that your update has possibly installed correctly.


As per your updated post. I logged onto Advanced settings then clicked on the link and Smart Set Up is showing.

0 Ratings
Message 100 of 154

Re: Issues post firmware upgrade SMARTHUB 2

I can’t even use my old hub because of digital voice.. pain in the butt!

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