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Message 11 of 14

Re: Network failure on Smart Hub 2

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Thanks Keith, I'll give that a try.
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Message 12 of 14

Re: Network failure on Smart Hub 2

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PS. Before the Smarthub update, I've had 2 pairs of powerline adapters in use, both connected directly to separate hub Ethernet ports. The new hub just doesn't like it.
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Message 13 of 14

Re: Network failure on Smart Hub 2

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The HomeAV standards do indeed allow you to have more than one set of powerline adapters in use on the same mains circuit at a time.  They need to have different passwords and the performance is usually atrocious, but it will work!  Obviously, you can have multiple powerline adapters in a set, but even then with HomeAV and HomeAV2 beyond 4 units, the performance falls through the floor!

While I've used Ghn (Devolo) powerline adapters I've never seen more than a single set in use at a time with these.

I only learn by making mistakes and owning up to them - boy do I learn a lot!
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Message 14 of 14

Re: Network failure on Smart Hub 2

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WAN Port now Ethernet. Thanks. Still have not resolved using 2 pairs of powerline adapters. Gave up in the end and got a WiFi disc (a free extra included in the BT Package).
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