I have seen this asked before but the reason I'm here is I have seen you can use a BT router is sort of a bridge mode were you disable a few settings, change it's IP and hook it up to another router via ethernet port 4. This works and all but it continues flashes as it doesn't have a proper internet connection.
I was wondering if it is possible at all to trick it into thinking it's connected to a modem or ont so it thinks it has a WAN and how the WAN system works on a BT router as other routers with WAN can be connected no problem.
Without a broadband input it will continue to flash, it is a locked down device unlike third party routers where the WAN can be configured. Black duct tape is the answer.
I understand that and that you can disable the lights in the hub manager. But I am just curious if their is a way to trick it or some sort of box that simulates a ONT or compatible WAN connection?