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Message 1 of 2

Whole Home WiFi with SH2

I have recently added a 3 disc set of BT AC2600 discs to improve WiFi coverage in my property. Before purchasing I thought I read in an article that the discs would pair wirelessly with the smart hub 2 therefore allowing all 3 discs to be placed remotely at strategic positions to get best coverage. 
Am I mistaken? I don’t see any setting for this in the Whole Home WiFi app. The Smart Hub 2 router has a page under the WiFi section relating to discs but just directs to download the app. 
Have I missed something? My discs immediately loose connection when there isn’t one physically connected using an Ethernet cable.

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Message 2 of 2

Re: Whole Home WiFi with SH2

With Whole Home WiFi, at least one of the discs must be connected to the router by ethernet cable, (as you have found), and becomes the "master". Any other discs can connect either via ethernet or wireless.

Probably best to turn off the WiFi on your hub and make a network with just the discs.

Only the black discs can be used in conjunction with the Hub WiFi.

