Message 11 of 31

Re: BT Wholesale Checker - Landline Number v Address

There will be a small number of locations where a property potentially can be served from more than one DP ( distribution point ) and it’s not beyond the bounds of possibility that one DP is served from a cabinet and therefore potentially has FTTC available, and the other DP is E/O ( exchange only ) , which is cabled directly  from the exchange and FTTC isn’t available, basically any ‘connection’ from an E/O DP isn’t via a cabinet so no chance of FTTC

….if the OP has broadband they could check the modulation type at their router , if it’s G993.* it’s VDSL/FTTC , if it’s G992.* it’s ADSL/ADSL2 .

The fact that the phone number and postal address in the checker give different returns is either  a data error , or more likely the higher speed is because the actual phone number has a routing that is associated with the cabinet  and the postcode entry is aligned to the slower E/O DP ( that assuming the address has access to both types of DP  ) , so the comment that the phone number is more accurate than the address is correct 

Message 12 of 31

Re: BT Wholesale Checker - Landline Number v Address

Thanks. What exactly will I be asking or looking for when asking for an ORDI check? Do they provide what data they hold on you and you then check if this is correct?

In my case if there is potentially an issue what would I be looking for here?
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Message 13 of 31

Re: BT Wholesale Checker - Landline Number v Address

@iniltous Thanks for your input.

Would I be able to check this modulation type on a BT Home Hub?

Although wouldn't the type be 'G992.*' given the speeds we receive? (ADSL)


I am convinced there is an error somewhere! Absolutely no address in the local vicinity is estimated speeds as low as we do. It is a country location so its quite easy to check every house within half a mile...Our house is up there with the oldest of them all but certainly not any older than some who are estimated to receive at the minimum 20-30mb with an option to upgrade to 74mb.

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Message 14 of 31

Re: BT Wholesale Checker - Landline Number v Address

@naylor2006  When in the entire history of the entire world has Openreach ever "where they use an existing FTTC setup but replace the copper between you and the cab with fibre."?

FTTPoD is a bespoke product and can cost thousands mainly for busnisses. FTTP is never supplied via a cabinet.

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Message 15 of 31

Re: BT Wholesale Checker - Landline Number v Address

The check needs to verify that the data held matches reality, only Openreach can verify that. They need to verify the routing of your circuit as to whether you are indeed connected directly to the exchange or via a cabinet.

You need to explain the discrepancy between phone number data and address data and get them to confirm which is accurate and why the discrepancy.

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Message 16 of 31

Re: BT Wholesale Checker - Landline Number v Address

To further add to my investigation I found our UPRN for our house and did a check with this, the results are different again..





UPRN Neighbour.JPG


To summarise our UPRN (CABINET 0), Address (EXCHANGE) and landline (CABINET 3)  ALL give different speed results.

Our neighbour gets the exact same speed results for UPRN, Address and landline (CABINET 1 for ALL)

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Message 17 of 31

Re: BT Wholesale Checker - Landline Number v Address

@pippincp said:

@naylor2006  When in the entire history of the entire world has Openreach ever "where they use an existing FTTC setup but replace the copper between you and the cab with fibre."?

FTTPoD is a bespoke product and can cost thousands mainly for busnisses. FTTP isneversupplied via a cabinet.

What I did mate was look something up for my own understanding, I looked up FTTP On Demand in order to gain knowledge and perhaps share some, unfortunately I didnt look much further into it than the first hit:


Okay so I got it wrong but I think we can be a little more friendly with our corrections, after all this is a community and i'd already been corrected by someone else, I am learning some things along the way.

BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
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Message 18 of 31

Re: BT Wholesale Checker - Landline Number v Address

OP , you need to check your router connection statistics, if the router is connected as VDSL you are already on FTTC and unless a line fault exists you are as fast as your line will go , if you are ADSL then you may have a FTTC ‘alternative’ and potentially it’s the addressing inconsistency that may be forcing you onto ADSL as ‘BT’ think it’s all that’s available , that doesn’t mean FTTC is definitely available , but it’s worth exploring.

If you  are already on VDSL/FTTC , ( which the router will show ) until FTTP becomes available, you are getting as good as it gets , but until you know what modulation is used you won’t know for sure what you are connected to

VDSL on a long enough line ( or a faulty line ) will deliver speeds that are also available from ADSL , so it doesn’t follow that if ( for example ) you get 8Mb then the modulation will be G992.* , if it’s VDSL/FTTC you are connected to , the modulation is G993.* even though the speed is ‘only’  8Mb , most current BT routers work on both ADSL and VDSL .

Message 19 of 31

Re: BT Wholesale Checker - Landline Number v Address

@iniltous I will have a look at the router stats this evening and report back!

Is there any help we can receive from the moderators to look into this on here or how does that work?

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Message 20 of 31

Re: BT Wholesale Checker - Landline Number v Address

The Mods could offer to get the ORDI check done but all that really does is check that your address on the Openreach database matches exactly the Royal Mail entry for your property and any discrepancies dealt with , ( so double entry’s removed , errors corrected ) property with ‘non standard’ addresses can have this type of issue , house names rather than house numbers , or property that have both a name and a number , but also have entry's with just the house number or just the house name , flats/apartments can have this issue too , however this problem is normally associated with customers having issues trying to move between providers, basically the new provider can’t ‘match’ the Openreach entry to the Royal Mail entry so refuse to accept the customer.
Have you checked the RM entry and compared it to the entrys on this site


Enter your postcode and hit enter to open up all the addresses for the postcode , does your address appear only once and is it identical to the RM entry , if it’s similar but not identical or there is more than one entry , possibly slight variations on the actual address , then submitting an ORDI request may get that corrected , if no anomalies are shown chances are ORDI will just confirm no issues on that score .

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