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Message 1 of 4

Broadband speed help needed


Apologies in advance, I am struggling to grasp some of the concepts here.

I have just moved into a new house and am trying to get broadband.

When using a broadband availability postcode checker, the 5 houses on our estate have a few offers of broadband up to 11MB down which obviously isn't great. However, the houses either side of our estate (literally a few meters away) and along the main road have speeds up to 900 on offer. 

We have a telephone cable coming into the house but no master socket installed - there are no visible cables coming out out of the house so I can only assume it is underground. We've tried to speak to the builders but we've just had the response of 'contact BT/Openreach to get a line installed' - as far as I can see we already have a line, unless getting a line installed doesn't mean a physical installation. I'm also struggling to contact BT in this regard - they're asking for a phone number and postcode - I have no idea of the phone number.

My question is are we forever limited to the ~11MB speeds? I'm cautious to take out one of these contracts and then find out we could've achieved far better speeds by speaking to someone and getting some work done.



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Message 2 of 4

Re: Broadband speed help needed

is this a new Build?

enter your address not post code and post your results

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Message 3 of 4

Re: Broadband speed help needed

Screenshot 2022-07-21 at 12.40.40.png

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Message 4 of 4

Re: Broadband speed help needed


VDSL is available, you just need to place an order. If you still have problems, then..

You would need to follow the process for ordering a new phone line first. Once that has been provided, then the Openreach database will be updated and you will be able to see what broadband options are available to you.

Place an order for a line only using this link -

If the address doesn't appear properly when you enter the postcode, there is a section underneath where you can manually enter the address.  This will raise the order with the address showing as bronze and it will prompt Openreach to carry out a survey to confirm the routing.   Once the routing is updated the order will then progress as normal.  You can then add broadband once you have the line up and running.


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