I've recently re-contracted my broadband service with BT for Fibre 2. The set-up has not changed but the broadband speeds quoted are lower than I was on previously. Originally 19-21 download 2-3 upload with a guarantee of 17mb. The new contract is 16-17 download 2-3 upload with a guarantee of 14mb. When I contacted them they said this can happen and they can't do anything about it. I'm actually getting over 23mb download but perplexed by the lower rating as nothing has changed. Does anyone have any idea why this should be the case ?
It's academic, you get whatever your line is capable of. They are just estimates.
I concluded long ago that the “guarantee” is yet another modern marketing snake-oil con job.
For FTTC the monitored speed changes with many things, like how many people are using the line etc. It can even change with the weather. The “guarantee” is continually reassessed and then reset.
A "guarantee" based on a continually shifting standard is meaningless and should be treated as such.