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Message 11 of 11

Re: Can I request ducted install rather than overhead from pole?

I live in a rural area served by poles to the boundary. The existing copper service was an armoured cable that ran down the nearest pole and was laid just below ground level (50mm or so) along a hedge line then turned 90 degrees opposite the front door then continued under a gravel drive to the front elevation. No ducting was installed when that UG cable was last replaced c10-12yrs ago.

that cable has now faulted once more and Openreach have agreed to install Fibre To The Premises using the same underground round but using a technique described as sub ducting. It’s a very small diameter duct and looks like a plastic heating pipe, around 15mm diameter.

Overhead fibre was installed to the poles past my property almost a year ago but I have been trying to decide the best route as I don’t like cables running vertically down the outside of the building, which would be the case in an overhead install from the pole

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