Message 11 of 17

Re: DLM Reset

Good Afternoon

I've just checked the stats on the router and it's been up for 6h 39mins since the Open Reach engineer attended. As previously mentioned he asked me to contact BT who checked at their end and could see some issues and are now sending me a replacement Smarthub 2. 

Considering that BT said they could see an issue at their end what else can be causing the drop in speed?


Many thanks

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Message 12 of 17

Re: DLM Reset

I think you sit tight and see if hub maintains the connection before you replace with new SH2

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Message 13 of 17

Re: DLM Reset

Good Afternoon

Many thanks for the info. I noticed the problems with the router disconnecting soon after our migration to Digital Voice. Is this a red herring or could the two be connected?

I'll follow your advice and leave the old SH2 connected and see if any further dropouts occur before swapping the SH2 out with the replacement.


Many thanks for your help.

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Message 14 of 17

Re: DLM Reset

Good Morning

Just following on from the Open Reach engineer's visit the router has been left on and this morning it shows the following stats

DSL uptime:                           0 days,08 Hours38 Mins12 Secs

Data rate:                                   14.999 Mbps / 54.999 Mbps

Maximum data rate:            
21.000 Mbps / 62.334 Mbps

Noise margin:                        10.1 / 7.8

I have received the new Smart Hub 2 this morning. Do I stick with the old SH2 for now and monitor to see if the speed increases any further or do I install the new SH2 and see if the speed increases?

Many thanks

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Message 15 of 17

Re: DLM Reset

I would leave your connection alone as it appears to be correcting your connection speed.  still a bit to go but big improvement already

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Message 16 of 17

Re: DLM Reset

Good Morning

I have left the old Smarthub2 connected and these are the stats I now have

The Smarthub2 had issues with constant connecting/disconnecting around 4th November and looking at the stats it had a firmware update on this day and since then the Smarthub2 has been pretty stable.


The only thing is that the speeds are no where near what they were previously. Do I still require a DLM reset to get the speeds back up to what they were?

I have also checked BT DSL checker and I get the following stats back. What does the Downstream Handback Threshold signify?




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Message 17 of 17

Re: DLM Reset

the drops in connection have resulted in DLM taking action and increasing noise margin again with corresponding drop in connection speed.

Looking at your dslchecker results you have FTTP available to you and would be better to upgrade bearing in mind the package cost is the same for FTTP as it is for FTTC

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