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Message 1 of 11

FFTP but intermittent No Internet/Slow Connectvity but BT not resolved fully since early January??

I had FFTP installed in 2021 & have experienced numerous issues with connectivity/speed since then. Reflected by how much compensation BT have given me for failing to deliver their Stayfast Guarantee. Things had been reasonably stable since September 2022 when Openreach determined my issues may have been caused by a Nokia Modem & they duly replaced it with a Huawei. Given the service had been stable since September 2022, in September 2023, I renewed my contract BUT I asked BT to remove my landline.

BT insisted though, that in order to benefit from a more competitive price at Renewal, I MUST return my existing Smart Hub & replace it with a new one. This was against my wishes as I was very nervous about replacing equipment that had been providing a stable service for some time. BT insisted and sent the customary message that failure to return equipment would result in a significant charge so my reliable Hub was returned.

Now the story begins 2024…

7 January 2024 – extremely slow speed/No Internet message. BT tell me they cannot see that my Hub is connected but I assure them I have a solid Blue light on it.

11 January – BT Engineer visits but by then, normal service had resumed so was a very short visit and no deep dive done as to what had caused the issues.

14 January – extremely slow speed/No Internet message. NOTE – I NOTICE THAT THE’PORT’ LIGHT ON THE OPENREACH MODEM IS FLASHING ERRATICALLY BUT WHEN THE SERVICE IS STABLE THE ‘PORT’ LIGHT ONLY EVER ’BLINKS’. BT tell me they cannot see that my Hub is connected but I assure them, again, I have a solid Blue light on it.

17 January – Openreach Engineer visits but by then, again, normal service had resumed. I had however, took photographs & videos of the connectivity issues, as well as proof of the ‘Port’ light on the Openreach Modem flashing erratically. Engineer could only tell me there was definitely no fault with the fibre and could not comment on why the ‘Port’ light was flashing erratically.

18 January - extremely slow speed/No Internet message. Speak to BT, again, they tell me they cannot see that my Hub is connected but I assure them I have a solid Blue light on it. They think a Wi Fi Extender may solve the issue. Not sure what impact that will have on the issue with the ‘Port’ light flashing erratically on Openreach Modem EVERY time I have these issues but I am willing to try anything! BT agree to send Wi Fi Extender & I agree I will monitor stability and will review on 31 January

31 January – I ‘sign off’ service as Stable with BT

1 February - extremely slow speed/No Internet message. YET AGAIN - THE’PORT’ LIGHT ON THE OPENREACH MODEM IS FLASHING ERRATICALLY . BT tell me again they cannot see that my Hub is connected but I assure them I have a solid Blue light on it.

5 February – Openreach Engineer visits but by then, again, normal service had resumed. This time, Engineer feels the Modem should be changed to a Nokia (keep in mind they told me in 2022 a Nokia Modem was the cause of the issues). Openreach & BT agree to do some monitoring. THIS ONLY LASTS FOR A FEW DAYS THOUGH.

14 February - I ‘sign off’ service as Stable with BT

19 February – slow connectivity, again. Cannot conduct any form of speed test, even when laptop is connected to the Smart Hub with Ethernet cable. YET AGAIN – THE’LAN’LIGHT ON THE NEW OPENREACH NOKIA MODEM IS FLASHING ERRATICALLY. I have a very protracted conversation with BT and insist this time, I speak to a Manager. I am advised this request to speak to a Manager takes 72 hours to be actioned!!!!! Does not matter how many times I state I have been beyond patient and ask them to review my records to show how many times I have had this issue – ‘the computer says no’ & I must wait 72 hours for a manager to call me. Really BT? That is not the level of customer service you are selling in your ad campaigns.

Is there no one employed by BT or Openreach that can resolve this issue?? Why am I trawling through ’Event Logs’ on the ‘BT Hub Manager’ (which I do not understand anyway) desperately looking for anything that might indicate why I am experiencing this continued intermittent issue when BT should be doing this or analyzing the data they have? I am paying for FFTP with a Speed Guarantee of 100MB(DL) & 10MB(UL) – a fact lost on BT so far.

If anyone reading this may have even the faintest knowledge of what may be happening and how to resolve it, I would be most grateful for your comments.






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Message 2 of 11

Re: FFTP but intermittent No Internet/Slow Connectvity but BT not resolved fully since early January

Hi there.

To be honest after reading through the post its probably one to escalate to BT complaints and have someone there take ownership of the case...

Make a complaint | BT Help

Not that im saying its BT's fault based on what youre saying, I just mean from a customer service point of view it may benefit you more overall.

The first thing that stands out to me is the LAN light on the ONT, you mention it is flashing erratically, this would kind of be a subjective term and I dont really know what it means in context to your problem. What I mean to say is that in my busy household my LAN light is going crazy all the time, it is reflecting the activity taking place beyond the ONT and in the home. It is very rare that I see my LAN light on a steady blink or slow blink, it is usually going crazy, so I guess I would ask, "what do you mean by erratic"?

I assume you mean FTTP (Fibre to the Premises) so may want to adjust the subject line incase it is getting missed.

What product are you on, a stay fast guarantee of 100Mb would maybe be Full Fibre 150?

If your LAN light is going crazy around the time that internet is not working or running slowly then I would think that something else was using the connect, like another device on you network, I am speculating but it would make some sense. The LAN light is very simple, it indicates traffic, the faster it flashes the more traffic is passing from the ONT to the Hub and off into your network. So potentially something is using up your connect on your network every now and then.

Do you share it with family or anyone else?

BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
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Message 3 of 11

Re: FFTP but intermittent No Internet/Slow Connectvity but BT not resolved fully since early January

Has the ethernet cable between ONT & SH2 been replaced?

Has the SH2 been factory reset?

I think I'd be inclined to pick up another SH2 from your local Facebook Marketplace or similar. Shouldn't cost much & will prove if there is an issue with yours.

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Message 4 of 11

Re: FFTP but intermittent No Internet/Slow Connectvity but BT not resolved fully since early January

Many thanks for your response. I note your comment about using the term FTTP - thank you for that advice. I live on my own & only have a laptop of Mobile phone connected. I only use either of these devices for browsing or minimal streaming of Netflix ec. I do not do any Gaming. I acknowledge your point about your LAN light going crazy due to usage - that is how I would describe mine every time I have this issue. I am on Full Full Fibre 100 and the Stayfast Gurantee must be factoring in 'congestion' although I am certainly not contributing to any usage overload. BT should have the capability to deep dive any data they have about my performance to identify what the issue is ? I know from experience that making a Complaint with BT only slows down sorting out any issues so I only hope my patience holds out a while longer. Many thanks for replying.
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Message 5 of 11

Re: FFTP but intermittent No Internet/Slow Connectvity but BT not resolved fully since early January

Have you checked the FTTP softswitch in the hub manager advanced settings is set to Enabled

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Message 6 of 11

Re: FFTP but intermittent No Internet/Slow Connectvity but BT not resolved fully since early January

Oh thats a shame, my experience with BT Complaints was pretty good, anyway I cant choose you line of approach thats up to you.

Haha, I wasnt referring to gaming, this doesnt using much bandwidth anyway, its downloading content or watching hi quality streams that does this.

I just think if the LAN light is going mad then something is pulling traffic, erm....perhaps could look at the DHCP client list of the hub lets you and potentially something is using the connection that shouldnt be...


BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
0 Ratings
Message 7 of 11

Re: FFTP but intermittent No Internet/Slow Connectvity but BT not resolved fully since early January

Thank you for taking the time to reply.If by 'softswitch' you are referring to the FTTP Mode' Status'  ( within the Broadband area within Advanced Settings), then yes, it is Enabled. If you are referring to something else, please let me know. 

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Message 8 of 11

Re: FFTP but intermittent No Internet/Slow Connectvity but BT not resolved fully since early January

Thank you for taking the time to reply. In answer to your q's , Yes, yes (many times)& OpenReach themselves had a spare SH2 that BT asked them to connect during their last visit. They duly did this & whilst we got a stable blue light on that SH2, BT told us they could not see that that hub was even connected which is what they keep telling me when I call to raise this ongoing issue.
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Message 9 of 11

Re: FFTP but intermittent No Internet/Slow Connectvity but BT not resolved fully since early January

Thanks again for a further reply. How do I look at/find the DCHP Client List? I may have had to educate myself on what on earth some of this information is on the BT Hub Manager but I am far from an expert!
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Message 10 of 11

Re: FFTP but intermittent No Internet/Slow Connectvity but BT not resolved fully since early January

I dont actually use the BT Hub I use my own device but I would imagine someone else here will know.

Client list
Address table
Connected Devices

Something like that, I guess my point is if you only have 2 devices which connect to the hub and there are 4 or 5 it could explain an unknown device using the internet slowing it down. Its pretty unlikely and im speculating but its hard to say really whats going on from your post.

BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
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