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Message 1 of 6

FTTP Activation & Status - 8 Days for 0 Stage Install?


Moved into new property in December 2021, ONT was already installed but LOS red as not terminated to property, civil works were required to get the fibre routed to site over the 4 month period. 

Raised a case with Openreach, logged and customer care have been tracking and updating me. Work was completed over the last few weeks by Openreach, mine was the first property on the development for the Openreach engineers to complete the work on 13th, PON solid green, engineers advised all sorted, would speak to "NST" team (think that was the name) to expedite activation etc. 

Previous call to BT back in December was advised if ONT installed and fibre terminated to get the order in when done and should take 1-3 days to have a working service? 

Placed the order on 13th Apr for 900Mbps package.

So whilst Openreach emailed me to advised "Service Ready", the ONT is synced with the exchange, my ubiquiti UDM connected etc as not using the BT hub, I get the following on the order tracking;

The fibre network installation isn't complete

The network isn't ready yet, but we should have an update soon.

Network setup at property
Your property is in a fibre only area. However, the fibre network is not ready.
Message received
13/04/2022 - 11:56
Pre Order Verification
Awaiting supplier update
Was told that it would just entail remote activation by BT FTTP team to enable the service? Connections guy said the process being extremely complicated and might be even longer than current 8 days which surprises me somewhat and doesn't tie in with what I've read so felt a bit fobbed off as didnt explain the above status, process or listen regarding the above info - "if I can wait 4 months then 8 days wont hurt...."
Usually work remotely from home but 4g dongle provided I cant get a decent signal to work effectively, no 5G service and having to drive to work daily on a 90 mile round trip for 4 months due to no broadband has been expensive.
I may be too eager here but any help/advice appreciated.
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Message 2 of 6

Re: FTTP Activation & Status - 8 Days for 0 Stage Install?

Its not uncommon for developers to handover plots in a different order to how they indicated to Openreach the plots would be built , and OR used that original plan to have network ready as and when original order the plots were to be built, so you get the situation where the home has no internet connectivity because the developer  originally told OR that those plots were not being build for months ( so the network isn’t yet outside the door ) …they cannot handover a plot without water or electricity, but can without internet….so the 4 month gap between moving in and getting connected is really down to the developers .
TBH, if the ONT was  authenticated on the 13th , and today the 15th and a bank holiday, it’s a little early to be worried something isn’t happening…, all you can do is periodically try  to connect, it shouldn’t be too much longer 

Message 3 of 6

Re: FTTP Activation & Status - 8 Days for 0 Stage Install?

Yep understood, I know the 4 months is down to the developers, it was the supplier update status I wasn't sure about so will wait and check every now and again to see if the gateway establishes a I said probably me being too eager 😀


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Message 4 of 6

Re: FTTP Activation & Status - 8 Days for 0 Stage Install?

I don't understand why I am getting this now though to be honest when the work has already been done and the Openreach engineers have been to the property and completed all the work for my to currently be synced up with the exchange;




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Message 5 of 6

Re: FTTP Activation & Status - 8 Days for 0 Stage Install?

The FTTP team should be able to action your internet order if you give them the serial number of the ONT. Give them a call on 0800 587 4787.

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Message 6 of 6

Re: FTTP Activation & Status - 8 Days for 0 Stage Install?

I did earlier, they said it was Openreach that had to activate....

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