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Message 1 of 7

FTTP installed, 10 days left in cancellation window.

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I've had FTTP installed BT Fibre 900 package. I'm getting very bad speeds between the region of 200-500 and its very inconsistent.

I have tried this with the BT supplied Router and my Velop Mesh Network. (For testing, I am using Ethernet into my Gigbit Port into macOS and unplugging all other devices for the test) Wi-fi Is not part of this discussion.

My fear is they'll say plug in the BT Router and wait 24 hours for the line to stabilise, but this is not required as its fibre. Is there a way to speak to an FTTP expert at BT? 

If not resolved by BT in the next days days, I will have to go back to Virgin. Virgin are very high on packet loss, didn't think it would be as bad a BT though.

I don't think I can justify 60pcm for a 500mb connection esp when its this unstable. I was expecting 800mb at least. I can tell FTTP is not flouring in this area and I think I'm the only person on the street hooked up, as its fairly new!

Thanks for your help guys, mods I would love some help if you can reach out. 


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Message 2 of 7

Re: FTTP installed, 10 days left in cancellation window.

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I'm sat here with 30meg and your calling your speeds bad... Like really?!

Phone BT if its annoying you that much but what could justify you needing such fast speeds.

Better still post your line stats and one of the mods will help.

Message 3 of 7

Re: FTTP installed, 10 days left in cancellation window.

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I think there are two things

1) I am paying 60pm for a package not being received, so even if the speed is not needed its nice to have. Otherwise, I am in my cancellation window

2) I need the fast download speed for the type of work I do, its very media heavy. I have over 40 devices connected into my network so the internet bandwidth is also nice to have

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Message 4 of 7

Re: FTTP installed, 10 days left in cancellation window.

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Connect a PC/Laptop directly to the ONT, set up a PPPoE connection and run a speed test at  and post the result.

@samtheaspie  There are no line stats available to post for FTTP.

Message 5 of 7

Re: FTTP installed, 10 days left in cancellation window.

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All resolved. FTTP team are quite helpful. Breath of fresh air coming over from Virgin. Made a change on my profile. 30 seconds later 950download and 120 upload. BT is staying. Love it. 

Message 6 of 7

Re: FTTP installed, 10 days left in cancellation window.

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Message 7 of 7

Re: FTTP installed, 10 days left in cancellation window.

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Hi @qs123456  thanks for the update and glad to hear you got it sorted very quickly when you called in.



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