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Message 1 of 8

Few questions to join Openreach Fibre/BT

I am currently a Virgin broadband user on their 500 mb package but they are having some issues with DNS and that is affecting any sort of gaming sessions I am having so I am thinking of changing.


I have a few questions first. My  current Virgin media hub is located directly in my roof next to my desktop PC but the wires have to go all the way around my house and be drilled into my wall on the second floor.


I am wondering how flexible Openreach are when they are installing the fibre to the property. I currently have not had Openreach directly connect to my house with fibre even though its available in my area.


Secondly I notice that most of the Open reach networks require two power sockets, I am just assuming that it would be perfectly fine to just use a power  extension  cables  all my plugs upstairs are just a single socket.

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Message 2 of 8

Re: Few questions to join Openreach Fibre/BT

Regards to the Cabling, do you know if it’ll come via a Pole or Underground?

If it’s Overhead they’ll just spam a cable to your house, drop it to ground level and fit a CSP. Then from there they’ll run a Fibre internally to where you want/need the ONT.

They're pretty much flexible as to where they can situate the ONT, safely.

Ref to Power, and Extension Cord would do just fine.

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Message 3 of 8

Re: Few questions to join Openreach Fibre/BT

Honestly I have no idea, is there a way to tell just by looking at anything in my street for how they will do the cabling?  I live in a cul-de-sac and there are not man poles with wires going to houses on my street but I am unsure otherwise. 

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Message 4 of 8

Re: Few questions to join Openreach Fibre/BT

If there’s no Telephone Poles then it’ll most like come from Underground.

When was your house built, if it’s 1960’s through to the early 80’s there’s a good chance the existing Network will be D.I.G. Direct in Ground.

If thats the case they’ll need to dig a trench and duct to your house.

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Message 5 of 8

Re: Few questions to join Openreach Fibre/BT

Ye I believe this house was built around then so they would probably have to do what Virgin have done as well and put a wire through I assume?

When I check on broadband checker it says this:


Our records show the following FTTP network service information for these premises:-Single Dwelling Unit Residential UG pre built to the curtilage.

FTTP is available and a new ONT may be ordered.


Not sure if that means anything but that is what it says for my property 

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Message 6 of 8

Re: Few questions to join Openreach Fibre/BT

Yeah, Pre Built to Curtilage would mean the existing Network is D.I.G.

Openreach may, or may not have built a Toby Box and or Ducted to the boundary of your property and left a Marker.

They we’re doing that for a while but scrapped it due to Build Cost and now  just build the CBT to the nearest Joint Box. As and when customers order FTTP they dig and duct to their house.

At some point someone from Openreach should come to your house to agree where to dig across your land and get a PTD, Permission to Dig Form signed by yourself.

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Message 7 of 8

Re: Few questions to join Openreach Fibre/BT

Ok thank you will have to just try and get that booked, hopefully they can figure out where my Virgin cable is as well so they don't cut that by accident. I will still have my Virign connection till next August and would like to use both ISP's till then

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Message 8 of 8

Re: Few questions to join Openreach Fibre/BT

The VM cable will be easy to find, they usually just lay it overground and let sedimentation bury it over the course of a few hundred years.

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