Message 1 of 3

Fibre 1 Speed

I'm on a Fibre 1 package (not full fibre) that I signed up to in 2019 because of the speeds it offered, in the region of 35-50mb. it's mostly been ok, had a few engineer visits to fix things outside the home but mstly stable. Recently we noticed a lot of dropouts and poor connectivity with speeds down to 8 or 9mb. Following the in app instructions I tested the line and eventually spoke to a customer service agent. They told me there was an issue inside the home and an engineer would need to visit, so this was booked but not for almost 3 weeks. A day later, I decided to upgrade to full fibre and placed an order. It will be fitted on a date less than a week after the engineer is due, so I cancelled that visit thinking it wasn't really worth it as the new package came with new engineer fitted kit.

I then browsed the app and looked at what package I was already on and what I was supposed to be getting and found that the estimated speeds listed had changed. Whereas it previously gave estimated speeds of 35-50mb (or thereabouts), they are now listed as 10-11mb.

I have spoken to 3 BT agents today, the first passed me to the second, they passed me to the third, and I am now waiting on a call from a manager.

All they will say is that there is a fault causing the drop, and that it is illegal for them to reduce speeds, as I may have suggested I feel they have done, to force people into upgrading to full fibre. Obviously they want to completely eliminate the copper wire network, I've been told this a number of times by Open Reach engineers. The Fibre 1 package I am on is no longer offered to new customers, having been replaced by Full Fibre 1 which offers very similar, if more stable, speeds at a similar cost.

What they can't, or won't tell me is why there has been a near 80% reduction in speed, not just physically to the home, but also as stated on the package details.  The 8mb speed I am currently getting is still below the new guaranteed speed of 9mb and so they say I need an engineer, but agree it is pointless sending one out to fix a problem, only to have his work ripped out a few days later when the Full Fibre kit is installed.

I entered a contract with BT because of the speed offered, I agreed to pay a certain amount of money for a certain amount of time and expected BT, in return, to provide a certain service over the full course of that time. However they seem to have broken contract. I'm sure it's to force me to upgrade.

Can anyone explain this to me?



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Message 2 of 3

Re: Fibre 1 Speed


I then browsed the app and looked at what package I was already on and what I was supposed to be getting and found that the estimated speeds listed had changed. Whereas it previously gave estimated speeds of 35-50mb (or thereabouts), they are now listed as 10-11mb.

Were you logged in to your BT account when looking at the speed estimates ? previously BT gave estimates based on what you should get and using other data, now the estimates will used observed speeds over a 3 month (I think) period, which is why you're seeing slower estimates than expected.


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Message 3 of 3

Re: Fibre 1 Speed

Any reduction in speed you have experienced will be due to one of two factors. Either a fault or increased crosstalk from other users. It will not be a deliberate reduction under any circumstances.

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