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Message 1 of 14

Fttp just pausing for 3/5 seconds every now and then. Anyway to stop it?

I have bt halo 250 at 300 Meg down 49 Meg up. Low ping (under 30) 

Speeds, pings are good but I'm getting wha I can discribe as outages where I just get no net for a few seconds. 

I got ping plotter for the past few hours and have noticed the packet loss / loss of net for between 2 and 5 seconds regularly. 



 thats 10 outages in 3 hours. Which I think is a but unacceptable.


Can anyone help as I don't know settings in my bt router for fttp. And when do I contact bt about it? 


Thanks.. Td

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Message 2 of 14

Re: Fttp just pausing for 3/5 seconds every now and then. Anyway to stop it?

Hey, just commenting to confirm that I have a very similar issue. I've tested everything I can think of. Very quick disconnects every 15-25 minutes which has been ongoing for about 48hrs now. seems to be the culprit? 92% packet loss for me.
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Message 3 of 14

Re: Fttp just pausing for 3/5 seconds every now and then. Anyway to stop it?

Yeah same for me. 3rd hop, 9 minor dcs in the last hour ip address is 31.55 186.181 for me. 


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Message 4 of 14

Re: Fttp just pausing for 3/5 seconds every now and then. Anyway to stop it?

Hmmm that's not normal at all.. having FTTP myself i have never had this issue.


When these problems happen does your PON light change colour on the ONT box?


Also has this problem just started for you?



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Message 5 of 14

Re: Fttp just pausing for 3/5 seconds every now and then. Anyway to stop it?

Nope. Just had a 3 second outage which shows up on my ping chart as complete packet loss. Lights on wall box dide t change. 

Had over 20 of these since 1am.

Iys frustrating. Might turn off and on the wall box.

And no I've had this problem since instalation. 


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Message 6 of 14

Re: Fttp just pausing for 3/5 seconds every now and then. Anyway to stop it?

I reset the wall fibre and its still the same. Here's rhe last 6 hours. The thick red line is me resetting the router. 

I think I better call bt. 



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Message 7 of 14

Re: Fttp just pausing for 3/5 seconds every now and then. Anyway to stop it?

Did you have any luck calling up BT? Still experiencing 80% packet loss with hop 3 and now wondering if I should give them a ring too.
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Message 8 of 14

Re: Fttp just pausing for 3/5 seconds every now and then. Anyway to stop it?

Nope, I got the "nothing wrong on our end" spheel.

Had to turn off WiFi. Unplug all ethernet. Turn off both boxes for them ect..  2 mins after call ended it was back to packet loss skips. 

So far I've had 45 mins of no problems.  

Next step apparently is a hard reset of hub. (factory default) if that does not fix it after 48 hours I'm to ring back. 


Jumping through hoops at mo lol. 

But it needs to be done.


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Message 9 of 14

Re: Fttp just pausing for 3/5 seconds every now and then. Anyway to stop it?

Ha, I've had 12 disconnects since around 7:30pm. I might chase them up on Twitter if this issue continues for another few days.

I've already tried the whole rebooting, unplugging, factory reset stuff, hope it works for you. I have no idea what it could be at this point, it came outta nowhere and I don't want to purchase a new router just in case that isn't the issue.

I keep checking downdetector, there was one person who said they've been getting disconnects every 5 minutes. It's so weird though, the router doesn't see the drop in the technical log at all, the disconnects are so brief too, barely ever lasting over 5 seconds. Never experienced anything like this before.

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Message 10 of 14

Re: Fttp just pausing for 3/5 seconds every now and then. Anyway to stop it?

I've noticed a few packet losses on the bt hub now to. I've changed cables no go had 8 more "drops thst arnt drops" in the past 2hours. Going to factory default the bt hub.

What other routers can we use? 

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