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Message 1 of 2

Full Fibre 900 into the house

Hi all,

First time on the forum as I'm thinking of switching from VM to BT.  I've been told by BT webchat folks that Full Fibre 900 only comes into the property from a underground supply and not the old telephone pole.

Like most, I'm thinking about the best route into my house and making a provision for the fibre should the installation engineer not want to spend the time on a more suitable route.

I'm not sure if there would even be an option of taking a fibre from the pavement under the drive or via the telephone pole.  Ideally I would prefer taking fibre from the pole as it would easily be passed through the loft space and into my under stairs cupboard.

Do any members have any experience with this? 

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Message 2 of 2

Re: Full Fibre 900 into the house

The fibre will be delivered by whatever infrastructure is in place at your location, overhead from the pole or underground. You have been incorrectly informed that it only comes via underground. Whichever way it is provided, an external CSP will be fitted externally close to ground level to terminate the external fibre and connect it to an internal fibre.

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