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Message 1 of 9

Full Fibre Underground

Hi, if a new full fibre cable is put underground does it have to be in a duct or can it just be buried like armoured cable if no duct?

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Message 2 of 9

Re: Full Fibre Underground

It will be via a duct. You have to dig to put it Direct In Ground so may as well put a duct in.

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Message 3 of 9

Re: Full Fibre Underground

@pippincp Can a new duct be laid through not digging all the ground? 

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Message 4 of 9

Re: Full Fibre Underground

I can't see how that could possibly happen. How could you lay ducting (or cable for that matter) in undug ground? Where are they going to put it?

It may be better if you told us what your problem/misgivings are with it.

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Message 5 of 9

Re: Full Fibre Underground

@pippincp that's why I asked because your answer seemed to suggest that it could be laid without digging and I couldn't understand that. 

We are asking Openreach to connect us underground as we are about 100 metres from the road and I wanted full clarity of the options.


Edit: I think I misunderstood your original answer lol

Edit 2: Openreach seem to be trying to keep the cost down and I wondered if putting a wire without a duct would save much money

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Message 6 of 9

Re: Full Fibre Underground

Sorry I didn't think anything in my reply suggested no dig. Also I've noticed you've posted about this before in another thread.

As regards what you said there I would expect you to be charged for the dig as you cannot ecpect Openreach to do it for free IMHO. That said it wouldn't entail digging up the whole garden. An accross garden dig usually only needs inserting a spade, rocking from side to side to open up a V in the ground, pushong the flexible conduit in then walkin over the top to close the V. I've done it many times years ago, It's quick and simple, so simple you could do it yourself.

Apparently your father objects to a second line being slung to the property overhead. Why don't you just ask the engineer to remove the existing one as it will no longer be used?

Have you had your survey yet?


Re your post edit. They will no longer do just direct cable in ground. The only saving would be the cost of the flexible duct, about £5 at tthe wholesale price they pay if it is that much.

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Message 7 of 9

Re: Full Fibre Underground

Thanks for the info! @pippincp 

We don't have any overhead cables here at all our exisiting is buried armoured cables. My dad has refused a new overhead as there is none installed here in this house. Asthetic reasons seem to be driving him to refuse. So we need a new cable laid from the roadside through my dad's field to the house which is about 100m or so. Can they do this via the V method you mentioned?

We've had a surveyor come twice and they seems to be delaying scheduling to do anything as they are trying to persuade my dad to put it overhead to no avail! So kind of stuck in this limbo even though we've asked them to proceed and give us a price.

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Message 8 of 9

Re: Full Fibre Underground

I'm sorry but how do you expect a possible solution when you are so economical with the actual situation.

Here's that start of your previous enquiries. 

You never corrected garden from field. Is this a rural or urban install? There are different costs/requirements.

As regards the V method - yes there is still a soluution posible, it can be done but there is a machne to  do it it is quick and better than the alternative.

Consider this. How long would it take you to insert a spade, open a V over 100Mtrs. Would you prepared to do it accross a field? You could if you wanted, just put in 15mm electicians conduiit, it's on your land and Openreach will use ir.

Bottom line on this. Pay Openrach to do it. Pay yout own contractor to do it or do it yourself. I cannot see any other way.

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Message 9 of 9

Re: Full Fibre Underground

I may have been a bit unclear and I have asked seperate questions to try to get answers, this is fuelled by my total confusion and lack of solutions from Openreach over many months when it is clear what we want done. I have told them to go ahead and give us a price and they won't.

You do not have to be so condescending about this.

This is a rural install. The install will go across a field and to my garden. I am not a person who knows the ins and outs of all this. Regarding the V method I had no idea this was an option or how I would do it myself.

Also Openreach themselves have not been forthcoming with solutions and did not suggest putting it in the electricity conduit. I don't know if this exists or if it is again just armoured cable??

Edit: I thought you meant put it in an existing conduit for our electricity, I understand what you mean now!

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