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Message 21 of 29

Re: Full Fibre - When?

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Hello @Noelect  I did not call you out for your reply to @imjolly but for the misinformation you posted and I see you continue to do. Could I refer you back to one of your earlier threads and I would like you to remember posts 8&9 in there. 

I can only assume you have confused the OFCOM enforced PIA agreements to mean that Openreach is contracting out FTTP provision to AlNets which is far from the case.

I notice in that thread you claim to be on the outside but in this thread claim to be ex BT engineer level 2 as if that makes a difference. You cannot providve a link to your accusations but quote a BT Manager instead that you happen to know.

I too have contacts within BT (as does @imjolly  and others on this forum) and I can tell you they have no more knowledge of the plans of Openreach than any other ISP.

I also have a contact within Openreach but that is immaterial as I'm sure you'll agree I cannot reveal anything until Openreach do so. I did it once with BT info and it cost me so I won't do it again.

Openreach are not cotracting out to any AltNet.

I'm sorry but no apology coming.


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Message 22 of 29

Re: Full Fibre - When?

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Good afternoon pippincp.

Firstly, I’m have always been, and still am, very impressed by the work carried out by members of this board, especially the Distinguished Sages, who appear to devote a great deal of their time helping others.

I responded to imjolly’s post by saying his comment was ‘not really true’.  Your response, in no uncertain terms, unsurprisingly led me to conclude you were referring this statement.  Had you made it clear what you were referring to, it would have saved a lot of time.

Regarding your assertion that I’m confusing OFCOM enforced PIA agreements; I was not.

The only reason I’m expressing an interest in this matter is my need to establish, what is going on between Openreach and BoxBroadband.  No longer being obsessed with telecommunications matters, I was not even aware that there were OFCOM PIA agreements.  The only one I’ve found, relating to ‘network competition’ is the ‘Strategic Vision for Network Competition’.   Is this the document you are referring to?  If so, it was published in 2016 and mainly concerns copper.

My only reason to mention I was, an ex-BT Level 2 was not to impress, but to make you aware that I was conversant with telecommunications in general, BT and Openreach, who were incidentally part of BT, and are still owned by BT.

You cleverly mention AltNet?  A company registered in Brighton supplying fibre equipment to fibre installation companies.  Were you perhaps intending to refer to Alternative Networks, a company taken over by Daisy Communications in 2016?  If so, they provide solutions to small, medium, and large businesses, not the domestic market.  If it’s neither of these, you will no doubt explain what you are referring to.

I have suggested that you look at the BoxBroadband and websites, have you?

Had you, you would now be aware that some 60 ‘small’ companies, are presently engaged in the provision of FTTP, and are undertaking this in many locations.  As far as I can ascertain, they are installing blown fibre duct, fibre, footway, and pole connection equipment, in Openreach’s ducts, footway boxes and on their poles.  Boxbroadband certainly are.

Regarding “Openreach are not cotracting out to any AltNet.”. Surely there must be a negotiated agreement between these companies and Openreach, which permits the companies carry out installations. This is not being done, without Openreach’s permission

Regarding your statement “I have a contact within Openreach”.  I also have a contact within Openreach, at executive level. I trust you will agree that I am also not at liberty to divulge confidential information.  

I suggest it would be wise to do a bit more research, before digging a deeper hole.

I don’t think I ever asked for an apology, and I certainly wasn’t expecting one

In my next post there are 2 photographs of one of them depicts the labels attached to all BoxBroadband’s equipment.  The second, shows the Broxbroadband fibre connection box atop of the Openreach Pole. It’s too distant to be able to read the label, but I can assure you it says Boxbroadband on it.  The copper dropwire box is on the other side of the box just in case you were going to suggest the box in the picture was the copper dropwire box.

I can assure you no fairies were involved.

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Message 23 of 29

Re: Full Fibre - When?

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Message 24 of 29

Re: Full Fibre - When?

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I was refferring to this document. Physical Infrastructure Access. 

AltNet is the widely used term for Alternative Network.

As regards BoxBroadband although it is still run as an independant company it is owned by Community Fibre. The only relationship with Openreach is leasing of PIA in the required areas.


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Message 25 of 29

Re: Full Fibre - When?

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Well why didn’t you say you were referring to the Physical Infrastructure Network, in your last post, or before?

This exactly what I have been describing, and you have been denying exists.  You have never even admitted that BoxBroadband exists.   Now it appears you have followed my advice and investigated.  Had you done so before we could have stopped this a long time ago.

I never said what type of company Boxbroadband was/is, and to be honest it really doesn’t matter to me if they are owned by Community Fibre, or anyone else.

If Openreach is licensing PIA then I would expect some sort of contract must exist, if only to protects the Openreach in the event that Boxbroadband damages their equipment.


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Message 26 of 29

Re: Full Fibre - When?

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Today.  BT chief executive Philip Jansen, whilst commenting on the slide of BT shares said:

“BT is facing competition from around 100 so-called “alternets”, much smaller players trying to roll out broadband to help make Britain an ultra-fast wi-fi country.

There are some concerns that these firms might fail, forcing the government into a bailout as happened with smaller energy companies.“

So it looks as if my observations and concerns are shared, and that the companies previously referred to as ‘Alt’ are in fact are ‘alternets’, unless Phillip is wrong. 

 In conclusion, my original post was not BS, and ‘pippincp’  was wrong to say it was.

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Message 27 of 29

Re: Full Fibre - When?

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Phillip is wrong, the common terminology for alternative suppliers is Altnets as used by the whole of the industry and the press.

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Message 28 of 29

Re: Full Fibre - When?

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You going to tell him?

Notwithstanding that, are you still disputing what I said?

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Message 29 of 29

Re: Full Fibre - When?

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Yeah, I'll tell him.

I haven't disputed anything, that was my first post on this thread. Doesn't say much that you couldn't even recognise that.

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