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Message 11 of 14

Re: Full fibre installation - security issues

Thank you. The telephone line is up at eaves level - the engineer who called today insisted that the cable had to drop to street level for access. My mains fusebox is inside. I'll have a look at systems which have mobile network access.
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Message 12 of 14

Re: Full fibre installation - security issues

@JeanW  That's correct, the CSP that is placed outside the property is where the fibre is spliced before entry. It is  totally impossible to splice a fibre off a set of ladders. That is why it will be placed at street level.


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Message 13 of 14

Re: Full fibre installation - security issues

I am afraid you will never be able to stop anyone cutting your fibre cable. It does not matter how much you protect it on your premises if anyone is  that determined to  cut your fibre they would cut it back in the openreach network. Have come across many instances of intruders lifting up a footway box and using a hacksaw or cable croppers and cutting every cable in the box. 

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Message 14 of 14

Re: Full fibre installation - security issues

@JeanW Not wishing to be rude, but an end of terrace house on the street is hardly likely to be a prime target for the type of burglary that necessitates cutting of phone lines.

They could currently simply cut your connection now with an axe through the underground cable going up the pole feeding your current overhead line if they were that determined.