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Message 1 of 8

Future proof for fttp

Hi everyone, 

Apologies for daft questions here.

Just looking to order Fibre 2 for my first house and the electrician is in doing a full rewire. I have asked him to move the phone line from the front of the house to my office in the 3rd bedroom. Now we don’t want a phone line and you don’t need to with Fibre 2, so is it still the phone line that needs to be moved to my office or something else? 

Also, looking to future proof for FTTP whilst he’s there and the floor boards are up. I’ve seen online you get a box on the outside and inside of you house. Can the box on the inside we set up in my office? There’s plenty of power sockets up there. The question is can I run a cable up to there now in preparation for FTTP so BT don’t have to run it along the walls? 

I would really appreciate some advice! 



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Message 2 of 8

Re: Future proof for fttp

if you are getting FTTC just now then you do need a phone line otherwise how do you expect to get broadband.  you can get FTTC with phone line but no calls package so you cannot make/receive landline calls

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Message 3 of 8

Re: Future proof for fttp

@MxttPitman I totally agree with @imjolly regarding the FTTC, but as regards to preparation for FTTP. If you can get the electrician to install ethernet sockets to every room then it doesn't matter where you install the ONT as long as it's near an ethernet socket 

Note: If you are moving the BT master socket it would be better to contact BT about that as they aren't keen on electricians moving those and you may have to pay an additional fee if you encounter a problem if BT haven't been brought in.

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Message 4 of 8

Re: Future proof for fttp

Thanks for the replies.

So if the main socket was moved to my office with the BT Hub in there this would be efficient for the ONT? Or does it need another Ethernet port on its own along with power? 

I appreciate the comments about moving it, but it’s been moved in my parents home and they didn’t seem annoyed when they visited recently to do some tests regarding our g fast. Moving now as the floorboards are up etc. 

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Message 5 of 8

Re: Future proof for fttp

the existing copper line will not restrict where the ONT can be placed  if you can as already suggested you can run ethernet cables from  a point downstairs where you could have ONT installed and ethernet patch panel with say 4 inputs and then have ethernet outlets in different rooms so they would ethernet connections to your devices

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Message 6 of 8

Re: Future proof for fttp

The copper line is entirely independent of the fibre cable and ONT for FTTP. If you also move to Digital Voice (which you almost certainly will), no copper line will be needed.

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Message 7 of 8

Re: Future proof for fttp

Something like this will work.


NB. There is no longer a Battery back up unit supplied and the yellow line is for fibre voice which has been discontinued in favour of digital voice where the hub becomes the base station for your phone.


2018-11-30 19_19_34-Window.png

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Message 8 of 8

Re: Future proof for fttp

This all makes sense I think. Thanks for taking the time to reply! 

So temporarily I could move the main socket to the living room for fttc. Then I could send 2 cables up to the 2 bedrooms for a socket up there. I’ll buy a TP link switch for my office for more ports.

Then for fttp I can use the same route I’ve used for the phone line and just run Ethernet cable instead over to the BT hub in the living room. 

All existing cables can stay, so I would just have to swap over the phone line for the Ethernet cable to go into the back of the BT hub.

My office is directly above where the phone line comes in so I’m guessing another option is to just send it straight up into there. 

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