Message 1 of 4

Intermittent broadband failure on road in Teddington, London

A number of use who are on the same road are having intermittent faults on our BT broadband.  It seems to be happening to me mid-morning working days and the broadband connection is lost (purple flashing). Then it tries to reconnect.  I have been lucky and it has always reconnected quickly but has happened a couple of times in the last few days.  Neighbours have been less fortunate and have been down for a good few hours.  Connection always seems to restore itself.  Up until recently BT fibre has been bullet proof and never any issues.  The fact we're all experiencing intermittent issues suggests there's a gremlin in the network.  We are in the TW11 post code in London. Can we raise this as a collective issue with Openreach to investigate?

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Message 2 of 4

Re: Intermittent broadband failure on road in Teddington, London

you need to raise a fault with your ISP BT not openreach.  your ISP would then get openreach to investigate.  your neighbours need to do the same thing with their respective ISPs.  you can't raise this as a collective

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Message 3 of 4

Re: Intermittent broadband failure on road in Teddington, London

Thank you. Excuse my ignorance, but what is the process for doing this?

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Message 4 of 4

Re: Intermittent broadband failure on road in Teddington, London

Call customer services
0330 1234 150

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