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Message 10 of 16

Internet Dropping all the time but OpenReach say NO Fault ( please help )

Hi, hoping for some guidance on trying to get BT to realise the persistent fault is in their network. I'm fed copper from FTTC and terminates on a Hub 5 . Internet keeps dropping all the time. Yesterday the O.R engineer tested the line to say all was ok, ? checked for normal conditions on the copper pair back to the cab, all ok, ran a speed test, the d/l and u/l speed ok. 

That allowed him to close the fault, BUT the problem is sill there. Yesterday  while engineer still here, I plugged  Hub 5 straight into the new master socket that he kindly fitted, ( removing the face plate to disconnect the internal wiring ) and " proved " conclusively that there is still internet dropping out ( also plugged in a new hub 6 that was provided by BT when we migrated to fibre ) ... so .... still with this fault, I,m stuck , Spoke to BT again this morning, she was insistent on sending out, yet again, an O.R engineer, ( this would be a 3rd visit if I agreed to it ) which I said was futile, - after a long long wait, she flagged it back saying that " fault not cleared "

All I can do in the meantime, is wait and hope that this weird fault can be cleared in the network , where ever it is ?

This is not a Wireless problem, its fundamental to the internet data coming in /out to the hub. 

Any thoughts please . On previous posts ive uploaded the hub stats that show a good clean copper pair ( hub to cab )

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Message 1 of 16

Intermittent Internet on FTTC broadband

Hi, all. Like some advice please. Incidentally I posted this same problem a couple of weeks ago and problem has returned sadly.

I have a stable ( as far as I know ) BB connection. steady blue light on hub. However, a couple of weeks ago, The fault I reported to BT was intermittent internet ? - this was evident by web pages, loading " erratically " - and more evident, and this is why I knew there was a problem, was not getting " on demand " on sky box, and when I went on " services " then " network " on sky box, the error message was / is , "  connection to On Demand - FAIL " ( cannot find connection to router ( or something like that )

Any way, the openreach engineer arrived , all internal wiring OK , however, he said slight battery on the line, which he fixed before he could close the fault. - I must mention that this weird problem sorted itself out 2 days before he turned up, but 5 days prior to the appointment, I installed software on my laptop to monitor 24/there7 internet connectivity and it records a text log ( as proof so to speak )

Its been ok since then, but the last 2 days its started happening again sadly.

Its as if data packets are being lost intermittently , rather than the actual BB link ( as a guess ) and as I was discussing with the OR engineer, - that side of things, ( if its beyond the Local loop ) its something the engineer cant sort.

Any thoughts greatly appreciated, incidentally , my software log says only 3 disconnects in last 24 hours, BUT the problem is present as I type this



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Message 2 of 16

Re: Intermittent Internet on FTTC broadband

can you post the hub stats and check the line for noise by doing quiet line test

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Message 3 of 16

Re: Intermittent Internet on FTTC broadband

These are the latest hub stats
1. Product name: BT Home Hub
2. Serial number: +068543+NQ53122784
3. Firmware version: Software version (Type A) Last updated 05/03/19
4. Board version: BT Hub 5A
5. DSL uptime: 0 days, 00:48:48
6. Data rate: 19999 / 73754
7. Maximum data rate: 27342 / 77599
8. Noise margin: 10.2 / 3.6
9. Line attenuation: 19.3 / 17.3
10. Signal attenuation: 19.2 / 17.3
11. Data sent/received: 114.4 MB / 613.5 MB
12. Broadband username:
13. BT Wi-fi: No
14. 2.4 GHz Wireless network/SSID: BTHub5-S523
15. 2.4 GHz Wireless connections: Enabled (802.11 b/g/n (up to 144 Mb/s))
16. 2.4 GHz Wireless security: WPA2
17. 2.4 GHz Wireless channel: Automatic (Smart Wireless)
18. 5 GHz Wireless network/SSID: BTHub5-S523
19. 5 GHz Wireless connections: Enabled (802.11 a/n/ac (up to 1300 Mb/s))
20. 5 GHz Wireless security: WPA2
21. 5 GHz Wireless channel: Automatic (Smart Wireless)
22. Firewall: Default
23. MAC Address: a0:1b:29:6f:eb:5c
24. Modulation: G.993.2 Annex B
25. Software variant: AA
26. Boot loader: 1.0.0
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Message 4 of 16

Re: Intermittent Internet on FTTC broadband

are you having problems with ethernet connections or just wireless connections?

as you have the hh5 I would split the 2.4/5ghz networks by giving them different SSID as some devices have problems with both bands having the same SSID.  I would also use a wifi analyser and see what wireless channels are in use near you then manually select a less congested channel and see if that helps wifi

have you split the networks

















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Message 5 of 16

Re: Intermittent Internet on FTTC broadband

I have split the 2 wireless bands. this was done a while ago. The issue is the same with ethernet as well as wireless. The " old " sky box has to be connected via ethernet, and the problem with " loss of data packets " if thats what it is ? shows up as the loss of connection for the " on demand " element function, i.e it either doesnt connect for on demand, or the handshaking from sky box to sky's servers is intermittent ( sometimes ) and times out with the error message on the tv screen.
presently, im on laptop ( wi-fi ) disconnected, ( using ethernet ) and the odd page that I try to load is either slow / erratic / or " hangs " until the data flow resumes ( at least thats what it visually looks like ) however, the software I have which is a " real-time " interconnection monitor shows only 1 internet disconnect 20 minutes ago . - weird.
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Message 6 of 16

Re: Intermittent Internet on FTTC broadband

what prev msg should have read is I'm on laptop using ethernet - NOT wi-fi
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Message 7 of 16

Re: Intermittent Internet on FTTC broadband

so not a wifi problem  I would add that your stats show the 2.4/5ghz networks have same SSID so not split and also automatic channel select

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Message 8 of 16

Re: Intermittent Internet on FTTC broadband

Oh yes, re splitting the 2 wireless bands, I’ll log back in to hub 5 to split them apart.

i notice that trying to log in to hub via Wi-fi is troublesome- logging in with wired a lot easier . Will update as necessary, thanks for the replies thus far

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Message 9 of 16

Re: Intermittent Internet on FTTC broadband

Hi all

With my ongoing issue with intermittent " No Internet " I registered a fault with BT and an Openreach engineer is booked for tomorrow tuesday.  In brief, although I have a BB connection, I'm served FTTC, The internet keeps dropping, periodically, the symptoms are slow loading web pages, hit and miss as to whether i can get Sky " On demand " services, The alexa device hardly connects, - if I can " catch it " to connect, for example, to play a radio station, it will play for a few seconds, then stop, the list goes on with this poor internet connectivity.

The reason for this post, is I am logged in to the main Hub 5 ( this has had a factory reset very recently ) and I was wondering if someone could please tell me if its worth me posting the recent " Event Log " ?

All I have posted lately is the Hub Stats, that show the DSL data, ( line loss in dB etc ) - there is some interesting reading on the " event log " - unfortunately, it does not mean much to me, but was hoping that someone might be able to analyse it , such that it " might " point to where the problem lies and I can mention it to the O.R. engineer tomorrow.  Incidentally, the last visit from the O.R engineer proved NO internal wiring issue at my house, - a slight battery fault on the copper pair somewhere, however, the fault had corrected itself 2 days before the engineering visit as it happens. Thanks in anticipation of a reply .


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