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Message 1 of 4

Moving Home - Activation date before moving out date

Hi. just wondering what will happen.. i'm moving home soon, but not sure when exactly.. but i've already set up a move with BT. The activation date is set for the 11th October at new home, but the stop date for internet at my old home isn't till 28th October. Will i have internet active at both houses till the stop date (28th)? My new home is ready to move in whenever, but i don't want to move till whenever the completion date is at my old home (still not determined yet, but soon).

Ideally i want internet ready when i move in to new home. But i dont want the internet to stop at my old home till i've moved out.  Will i be charged for 2 broadband packages? Not sure how this works. as long as the internet doesn't stop on the 11th at old home i dont mind paying extra.

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Message 2 of 4

Re: Moving Home - Activation date before moving out date

Based on what BT have told you, then yes, both services would technically be active, its typical to have to take your equipment with you though so you likely wont find yourself with two 'usable' services in use at the same time. BT have advised you there will be a handover period, personally I wouldnt think otherwise, buuuuut then hopefully itll get handled right and as described.

The other thing depends on what service you have now and what will be provided at the new home, if you are on a Copper based service now but are moving to Full Fibre location potentially there is additional installation to be done at the new address only after you take the keys.

What product do you have now and what are you moving to?

BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
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Message 3 of 4

Re: Moving Home - Activation date before moving out date

It depends on if you have arranged this as a home move , or a new service at the new address with no ‘connection’ to the old address , obviously in the past when phone numbers were the main use of a ‘line’ and broadband the added on service, the dates had to align as the phone number can only be at one place at a time , but many don’t bother with telephony anymore, so dates don’t need to match as much , I suspect you are in effect a new customer at the new address , so both services can exist at the same time .
If you have active service at both addresses you will pay for both , the fact you have different dates suggest you are not being dealt with as a ‘home mover’ otherwise the dates would have to align
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Message 4 of 4

Re: Moving Home - Activation date before moving out date

I'm an existing Customer, it was arranged as a home move. Which is why i'm not sure what will happen. currently have full fibre here, but the new home can't get full fibre. there will be an engineer going out on activation day to activate the internet.  It's a massive blow as i'm used to the super fast speeds.. but can't be helped and i'll have to just get used to the much, much slower speeds. they have send me a phone cable and filter to use with my router. at least all my devices are connected to the router all ready, so just plug and use lol.

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