Hi, I am in the process of purchasing a house thought i would check the internet options before i did and it is alarming. I am trying to work out if something has been missed on the developer's side. The whole street can basically get any internet they want, however when i check my address I am being offered speeds that wouldnt be suitable.
As an example the speed offers on my house are - 4.4-7.9 download - 0.61-0.84 upload, whereas my neighbour can get speeds of 875-948 download - 109-112 upload, Is there anything that can be done my side to know if its possible for me to get these speeds? Do i need to contact open reach? Its become quite stressful as we wouldnt be able to move in with internet like that so would appriciate any help i can get.
if a new build has openreach fitted an ONT ready for FTTP?
is your new home address on royal mail database yet
this is something you need to speak to developer about contacting openreach
Is it a Brand New Build or just a New(ish) Build?
If it’s Brand New there should be an ONT Installed by either Openreach and or the Builder/Developer.
If it’s a New(ish) Build, i.e. the Estate was originally built with Copper but then Retro Fitted with FTTP it could potentially be the house is part of a PON that hasn’t yet been built.
My brother is in a similar situation. He lives on a Retro Fit Site where all but two Planned PON’s have been built, unfortunately his house sits on the Boundary of one of said PON’s yet every other house on his street, he’s Number 1 has FTTP.
Its purely because of the way his existing line is connected.
Hi as previously posted I am moving into a new build property down a normal street, currently no providers are offering me anything online. I have not moved in yet so not sure if this is why.
I noticed this outside the property and did visit last week, I know alot was saying to look for the ONT- fibre modem on the inside, i wasn't there too long but didnt manage to find it.
Is it possible there is not one inside or did i just not look well enough, also I am assuming without this inside it will be an issue to get fibre?
Is there anything I need to do with openreach? thanks
Why have you started a third thread on the same issue?
Why did you fail to respond to @36ULW on the original thread?
Sorry I am new to the forum I will check to see it now - Edit I just checked and cannot see a reply from the user?
Hi - sorry in the delay I am not active and saw your reply, It is a new house that was built this year with 2 others beside it down a 'normal street'
I noticed it has a OPEN REACH customer service point installed on the outside of the house? thanks
That is an Openreach FTTP CSP , on the inside of the property there may well be an ONT , if the ONT is fitted and powered up , with the PON light lit ( steady , not flashing ) then the address as far as Openreach are concerned is connected …if there is an issue with the address not yet ‘registered’ on the BTw checker or individual ISP ordering portals , you should be able to call the BT FTTP team ( search the forum for the number ) using the ONT serial number to locate the device on the PON .
Often , the internal optical cable from the CSP is fitted at first fix by the developer ( so it’s not visible ) and could be anywhere in the building , an under stairs cupboard is a favourite, but it doesn’t have to be , speak with the developer/builder, they should know where they placed it
Thanks for the reply, what if I cannot find the openreach ONT on the inside of the property? thanks
Ask the developer.