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Message 1 of 11

New Fibre Installation - Questions


I have some questions about what is possible on a new fibre line upgrading from ADSL.

Questions I have:

1. Broadband providers say you cant use FTTC anymore, just FTTP, this means a new box must be installed at the premises - it cant use old copper line. I can't believe you have no choice anymore? is this correct?

2. I have an old telephone number, I want to keep this - if I switch from my current ADSL provider to fibre, will I keep my number? how can this be ensured and safe guarded?

3. In regards to what "premises" is defined as, the property is set back quite far away from the main road (over 100M), and therefore likely a long run and cable trench will need to be dug to lay this new FTTP cable, A) who pays for this if FTTC is not possible and B) can I ask openreach to install the BT fibre white box (ONT box?) say at the entrance to a property in a waterproof box that has power instead and then lay my own ethernet cabling to the house (with ethernet repeater over PoE)?

4. Can I have a new fibre line just for data, and then also keep my old copper line for voice/telephone? If I get fibre, must the old copper line be disconnected? can I pay to keep it?

5. Is there anyone at BT I can discuss this more complicated installation case with on the telephone rather than just a customer services rep?

Thank you

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Message 2 of 11

Re: New Fibre Installation - Questions

How does your current telephone line reach the property?

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Message 3 of 11

Re: New Fibre Installation - Questions

There is telephone pole on a road track outside (outside of property boundary), then copper line runs underground from that pole all the way to the property

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Message 4 of 11

Re: New Fibre Installation - Questions

So OR will use the same duct that the current cable runs through

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Message 5 of 11

Re: New Fibre Installation - Questions

@smithy22 wrote:


I have some questions about what is possible on a new fibre line upgrading from ADSL.

Questions I have:

1. Broadband providers say you cant use FTTC anymore, just FTTP, this means a new box must be installed at the premises - it cant use old copper line. I can't believe you have no choice anymore? is this correct?


2. I have an old telephone number, I want to keep this - if I switch from my current ADSL provider to fibre, will I keep my number? how can this be ensured and safe guarded?

Its not 100% guaranteed, but you should be able to retain your number.

3. In regards to what "premises" is defined as, the property is set back quite far away from the main road (over 100M), and therefore likely a long run and cable trench will need to be dug to lay this new FTTP cable, A) who pays for this if FTTC is not possible and B) can I ask openreach to install the BT fibre white box (ONT box?) say at the entrance to a property in a waterproof box that has power instead and then lay my own ethernet cabling to the house (with ethernet repeater over PoE)?

The ONT needs to fitted internally, it is a mains powered device. Openreach will bear the cost of the fibre. If your current copper cable is via duct, that will be used obviating the need for a trench to be dug. 

4. Can I have a new fibre line just for data, and then also keep my old copper line for voice/telephone?


If I get fibre, must the old copper line be disconnected?


can I pay to keep it?



5. Is there anyone at BT I can discuss this more complicated installation case with on the telephone rather than just a customer services rep?

No, the installation is done by Openreach, not BT. They do this day in day out, I would be extremely surprised if your situation is unique.

Thank you


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Message 6 of 11

Re: New Fibre Installation - Questions

Hi, the line run is probably over 100-150m, the copper line is buried not in a I cant see how you would feed cable through...

If I dont want to pay 3-4k for a trench, can the service point with the ONT be installed where I want? Unless openreach will pay for a new trench?

I have a location where the ONT could be installed against a brick wall, that has power in that location to run security cameras, so I could put the ONT inside a waterpoof wall mounted box...






0 Ratings
Message 7 of 11

Re: New Fibre Installation - Questions

Can you enter your address and post results. This will show if FTTP available and installation information.

Have you ported your number to your current ISP from a previous provider?  Which ISP originally provided your current phone number


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Message 8 of 11

Re: New Fibre Installation - Questions

If the old cable is in the duct no reason why the fibre cant be in there

0 Ratings
Message 9 of 11

Re: New Fibre Installation - Questions


There is no duct. BT details:

Up to 1000
Up to 220
KCI2 Assure

Our records show the following FTTP network service information for these premises:-Single Dwelling Unit Residential OH Feed Not Evaluated.

FTTP is available and a new ONT may be ordered. The exchange is not in a current fibre priority programme

WLR is currently available at the exchange. SOADSL is not restricted at the exchange.

I believe number was orignally BT (had for over 20 years), currently ADSL ISP is via the Co-Op.


0 Ratings
Message 10 of 11

Re: New Fibre Installation - Questions

1.If an area has 75% or more FTTP availability, then Openreach can inform Telcos that they have stopped selling copper pair products, this ( in the short term ) will only affect ‘new’ customers, or customer switching providers  , so if someone doesn’t want FTTP , provided they remain with their current provider they can stay on ADSL/FTTC , it’s only if they switch to a different provider they would have no choice but to take FTTP.      If the area isn’t Stop Sell for copper , you should be able to continue with copper if you can find a provider that will still use it , but some providers will only offer FTTP if it’s available.

2.There is no reason simply taking FTTP should affect the phone number , provided the chosen FTTP provider offers telephony ( not all do ) , you could always port the number to an independent VoIP provider and not be tied to the FTTP provider for ‘telephony’, or pick one that does offer a ‘digital voice’ type service.
3.When FTTP becomes available there will be a ‘survey note’ for the address describing the method of provision, most installations costs are covered by what the Telco charges the end user , but , much like copper service , there is the potential for excess charges should the install costs be more than Openreach will bare, likely it would be a two stage install , the method and costs would be indicated at the installation survey ( not to be confused with the network survey ) , if costs are necessary, and considered too high by the end user  , they  can cancel the FTTP order at this point.
OR will not provide the ONT in a waterproof enclosure away from the property.
4.You could order a standalone FTTP service , the copper pair service would likely remain, (if you continued to pay for it ) , in the short term at least , but eventually it would be stopped or converted to a SOGEA type line , so wouldn’t be connected to the exchange PSTN equipment, in this case,  using a totally different provider may be prudent as using the same provider could end up as a migration to FTTP , if they ‘notice’ you are already a customer with them.
5.Openreach do the installs , not BT , Openreach don’t ( generally ) speak to end users …if FTTP is available to you , the wholesale checker will show if a two stage install is appropriate,
Post the full return from
For your address.

While posting this , more info now available 

KCI2 Assure

Our records show the following FTTP network service information for these premises:-Single Dwelling Unit Residential OH Feed Not Evaluated.

KCI2 , two stage install.

OH , overhead , so the CBT is pole mounted, that doesn’t necessarily mean your feed would be , but extra poles or a trench would apparently be needed , and this may be at your expense, until ordered you won’t know , but as stated , you can cancel after the first installation visit

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