Message 1 of 5

No broadband service

Is it worth going to the regulator when you can't get your broadband fixed promptly?  Our village has been without it since 5th June 2024 (impacting 15 of us), with promises of fixes on two dates which have now passed. An engineer called Saturday from the service team when it is an infrastructure problem!

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Message 2 of 5

Re: No broadband service

are you a BT broadband customer?

if problem affecting 15 homes in your village then it is an openreach problem nothing to do with your ISP.  you can try checking service in my area  https://www.bt.com/help/check-service-status

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Message 3 of 5

Re: No broadband service

If it is an Openreach area then yes its their problem but you cant talk to them directly, so you might be best giving BT a call and logging a fault, at least this way you might start to get some sort of update's via the ISP.

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Message 4 of 5

Re: No broadband service

Thank you, have got a complaint reference. 

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Message 5 of 5

Re: No broadband service

Depends what the problem is. 

You said the whole Village of 15 houses. Something tells me you live in a fairly rural area, probably one road in, one road out?

It could potentially be a job that requires Traffic Management or a possible Road/Lane Closure.

As much as people like to say Phone/Broadband is a Utility like Water, Gas and Electric it isn’t. Therefore the likes of Openreach, VM, etc do not have the right to put up TM or close Roads on the drop of a hat like the Water or Gas Company can do. 


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