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Message 1 of 4

Openreach fault turnaround

On Wednesday an Openreach engineer visited my home to install full fibre. He was able to bring the cable through to my property and attach the modem to the wall, but he confirmed there was some blockage with the main line that he couldn't fix (I guess it was outside his remit). I didn't fully understand what he meant but he mentioned that they'd filled something with concrete which needed clearing - presumably he meant the main line under the footpath outside my home.

Anyway he said he'd fill out the paperwork for Openreach to come and clear the blockage and I noticed afterwards he'd sprayed "OR" on the footpath outside, which I assume is where they'll need to dig to repair the issue.

He said I wouldn't need to be in when they visit to repair it - he just said to keep looking at the modem on the wall and once all the lights turn green my full fibre would be ready to go.

It's been two days now and I've heard nothing from BT or Openreach. When I go in to check my order there's nothing on there to indicate a problem. It just says it's awaiting information about the install from the engineer.

If the repair is in Openreach's queue to fix and it typically takes an average of a week (or so) for them to investigate problems like this, that's fine. I'm just a bit concerned that nothing will happen until I chase, given I've heard nothing so far - not even an acknowledgement from BT that they even know about an issue.

So I was just wondering if anyone's had a similar issue, how long it took to resolve, and what they did. Maybe I could learn some lessons from people's past experience?!

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Message 2 of 4

Re: Openreach fault turnaround

If it requires a Dig to clear a Blockage on Public Land then it’ll take 7-10 Days at the earliest.

You’re possibly looking at longer if they need to close or partially close a road with Traffic Management.

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Message 3 of 4

Re: Openreach fault turnaround

That's disappointing, but thanks for giving me an idea, as I thought the engineer said "a couple of days" which I did think sounded a bit too optimistic!

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Message 4 of 4

Re: Openreach fault turnaround

If the dig was on Private Land and in Soft then Openreach could potentially do it within a day or two.

For Hard Digs on Public Land though it needs to go through Planning as they first need to get Permits from the Council and relevant Safe Dig Prints from other Utilities like Gas and Water. 


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