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Options for full fibre disappear when I log in.

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I just got a letter from Openreach today letting me know Full Fibre has been installed in my area, I double checked on their website with my address, then I checked on BT (logged out) and it said I did in fact have it in my area, checked all other openreach ISPs and they also gave me full fibre options, but when I log in, those options disappear and BT says I have to wait until full fibre is in my area, but it already is. 

I had this EXACT same thing happen with g.fast, when I was logged out, BT (and virtually every other ISP which used openreach) said I had g.fast available, when I logged in, BT said it wasn't available and I was locked to standard speeds, I had to call BT and go through a bunch of trouble, and in the end they had to give me a new account which wasn't experiencing this bug, now I have G.fast Fibre 150 at least.

Has anyone experienced the same thing?


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Message 2 of 6

Re: Options for full fibre disappear when I log in.

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I had the exact same problem with Gfast. If it’s anything like my experience upgrading from Gfast to Full Fibre good luck. Four failed orders from November 2022 to January 2023 all because BT system didn’t like I was on Gfast upgrading to Full Fibre. I have Full Fibre 900 now but had to have a brand new account to get past BT systems (complete nightmare). Hopefully you don’t have any issues whatsoever good luck. 

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Message 3 of 6

Re: Options for full fibre disappear when I log in.

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First check that the BTWholesale checkr shows that it is available. If it doesn't show then no ISP will be able to supply you.


If WBC FTTP is shown as available then ring the FTTP team 0800 587 4787, if you get trough to normal CS hang up and try again.



Message 4 of 6

Re: Options for full fibre disappear when I log in.

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I called them and they sorted it out for me, they had to cancel my account and give me a new one (like last time) but now I'm going to get Full Fibre 500 for only £34.99 a month somehow, it's great.
Message 5 of 6

Re: Options for full fibre disappear when I log in.

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Good result. Glad you're now happy.

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Message 6 of 6

Re: Options for full fibre disappear when I log in.

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I'm in the same boat - FTTP now available but not shown on the My BT upgrades. Had numerous calls with BT to order and have so far had 2 orders fail due to "issues with their system".

Currently waiting for the last failed order to be re-created.....

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