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Message 1 of 8

PING speeds on fibre 500/900

Can anyone tell me what ping rates can be expected from BT full fibre 500/900.  It only talks upload/download speeds on the website and no mention of ping.

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Message 2 of 8

Re: PING speeds on fibre 500/900

I'm getting around 2ms to London servers on Goggle's speedtest but guess depends where you're pinging to and from, much better than my old ASDL line which was in the 20ms region

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Message 3 of 8

Re: PING speeds on fibre 500/900

Thanks for quick reply. It is basically an exam booking site that I am trying to get faster ping for. Essentially 1000s of people go onto this website for exam seat but my ping has not been great on talltalk and so have not managed to get a booking, so thinking of moving to BT future fibre??

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Message 4 of 8

Re: PING speeds on fibre 500/900

I'd be surprised if it was your ping stopping you getting a booking. Even though Full Fibre is much faster and has decent latency speeds it shouldn't make a massive amount of difference 10 milliseconds here and there.  Have you checked you ping speeds and are they really bad? Could be something to do with your line maybe. You'd imagine same as ticket booking sites that everything would just get queued so you being 20ms slow getting into a queue wouldn't mean you couldn't join it.

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Message 5 of 8

Re: PING speeds on fibre 500/900

Thanks that is good advice. My current ping on talktalk is about 19-20. 


I guess what you are saying is fibre 500/900 wont guarantee a better latency right?

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Message 6 of 8

Re: PING speeds on fibre 500/900

Fibre optic cable will obviously give a better latency than copper so depends what you're on at the moment. But having said that you'll only ever be knocking off maybe 20ms and I doubt the exam site would use up all available places in that time span.

Unless this exam spot site is a bit like a ticket site, say selling Beyonce tickets, they only get overwhelmed because bots are automated conitnually hitting the site in the hope of being first in the queue for tickets and fill up the queue quickly. I find it hard to think an exam site would be under the same pressure and unless you also had an automated system continually hitting the site to catch it as soon as bookings open that 20ms quicker latency won't help. Even a blink of your eye is 150ms so clicking quicker isn't anywhere near that.  Might be best contacting the site to see why you've been unable to book.

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Message 7 of 8

Re: PING speeds on fibre 500/900

Thank you. Would you say maybe use ethernet cable to try and improve ping?


In terms of the exam site, people from all over the world are on booking site at same time so maybe it is just luck. People have just been saying have fast internet and good latency hence we were looking at future fibre 500/900.


My neughbour has fttp 150 via BT and said we could use his net for the day but we started thinking is 500 and 900 safer


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Message 8 of 8

Re: PING speeds on fibre 500/900

Yes a wired connection will always be better than WiFi connection. I'd be surprised if a 900mb connection would be better than a 150mbps in terms of speed. The 900mbps refers to how much bandwidth IE data you can download in one go,  so say you had 6 people all downloading films at once 900 might stop buffering but for an exam paper it's not going to be big enough to warrant a 900 fibre connection unless there are some gigabyte files included.

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