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Message 1 of 9

Possible damage to the connection.

Has anything like this happened to anyone:
The full fiber was working great ( in my house)  when Openreach showed up and started fixing something for my neighbor. After a whole day, they fixed the connection, but for me it dropped between 85 - 280 MB / s. I told them about it and then I heard: "That's not our problem, please call….". I called, they checked, they said a fault on the router side, they will send a new one. For me, there is no problem with the router ( Then I connected my private router and it is exactly the same )   , the problem is on the line. My question is: Where can I file a complaint about these people at Openreach? At the some Customer they repair, in others they break in the same time.

0 Ratings
Message 2 of 9

Re: Possible damage to the connection.

I seriously doubt anything the Engineers who were working at your Neighbours did anything to your Broadband Speed and or Connection as there’s nothing Mechanical on the Network they could’ve caused an issue on, it’s literally just a single fibre cable and they have absolutely no means to adjust or change your Profile and or Throughput Speed as that is all done via systems I know for a fact they don’t have access to.


Message 3 of 9

Re: Possible damage to the connection.

So only the malice of inanimate things ... It remains to wait for someone to fix it.

0 Ratings
Message 4 of 9

Re: Possible damage to the connection.

Summary of Performance Test
Sunday 9 January 2022 | 13:30:20
22 Ms
405.21 Mbps
169.93 Mbps
Advance Test
Download Test
Download speed achieved during the test was 405.21 Mbps
For your connection, the acceptable range of speeds is 195 - 922.33 Mbps
IP Profile for your line is 922.33 Mbps
405.21 Mbps
922.33 Mbps
Upload Test
Upload speed achieved during the test was 169.93 Mbps
IP Profile for your line is 115 Mbps
169.93 Mbps
115 Mpbs
Summary Advanced Test

We were unable to identify any performance problem with your service at this time.

It is possible that any problem you have experienced may have been caused by traffic congestion or by a server responding slowly.
0 Ratings
Message 5 of 9

Re: Possible damage to the connection.

Hi @hitpzop and thanks for posting.

Sorry you're having problems with your connection. @Starwire is correct in that it's very unlikely an engineer visit to your neighbours would have any affect on your connection. How are you testing this? Is it via wireless or wired connection? What device are you testing on?



0 Ratings
Message 6 of 9

Re: Possible damage to the connection.

My laptop connected directly to the router with a cable. No other device was connected during the test. Yesterday evening "LOS" flashed a few times for a while. Today it looks like the link is working much better.

All that remains is to wait until Thursday for the fault to be removed.

0 Ratings
Message 7 of 9

Re: Possible damage to the connection.

Hi @hitpzop, thanks for posting back, and good news that the connection is better today. Do come back and update us after the engineer visit.



0 Ratings
Message 8 of 9

Re: Possible damage to the connection.

As already stated , although it’s possible ( but very unlikely ) someone working on an adjacent’line’ could damage yours , the nature of FTTP is that it either works or doesn’t, if it works then it syncs at the speed you pay for…it’s nothing like VDSL or ADSL where the line rate adapts to whatever the line conditions are, so if the copper line developed a fault , the line rate may reduce to the new line conditions…because of the shared nature of a FTTP PON ( 2.4Gb down , 1.2Gb up shared between up-to 30 consumers ) then obviously if a few others on the same PON are heavy down loaders that could reduce your throughput if you happen to do a speed test as the PON is under high demand….the speed test you posted doesn’t indicate a problem apart from your upload is greater than any currently available profile.
What happens Thursday , you state you will wait until Thursday for the fault to be removed, yet you make no previous mention of Thursday what happens then ?

0 Ratings
Message 9 of 9

Re: Possible damage to the connection.

If the LOS light flashed a few times, there could be a problem with an optical connector intermittently disconnecting if disturbed.

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