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Message 1 of 2

Re contract BT + EE


Not really a question just some comments others moving to DV might find useful.

My BT FTTC and EE mobile contacts were both due for renewal so I rang EE just to find out what was on offer. EE said they are also able to give BT prices to renew. The BT price was great and cheaper than currently paying. Initially the EE mobile price looked good but once I had the email I was paying more for less GB. I cancelled under 14 day cooling off and returned to previous EE contract. 

The BT contract said I’d be moving to Digital Voice. No problem with that and all switched over and worked OK after connecting the SH2. I did have to ring an order a digital adapter which appears to have been cancelled by BT. 

In the meantime I rewired the couple of extensions to the phone socket on SH2 as mentioned else where on here which worked OK. So I guess I don’t need the digital adapter.

Just a couple of things

 I had to re activate Call Protect.

I had been paying for Voice Mail and had to ring to cancel that as VM is included with DV.

 Why don’t the above happen automatically?

 One plus of removing the extension wiring from the NTE is my speed increased by 10mb. Any idea why this might happen?

I will say all the BT peeps I spoken to were very helpful, understanding and polite. 



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Message 2 of 2

Re: Re contract BT + EE

If your speed increased when disconnecting extensions, they were probably wired with the bell wire connected , an extension only needs two wires but extensions often have a third wire connected ( the bell wire ) something of a throwback to rotary dial phones , this 3rd wire however negatively impacts broadband speed on ADSL and VDSL ( FTTC ) , it’s hardly ever mentioned these days but a few years ago it was extensively discussed.
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