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Message 2 of 9

Slow upload (and occasional download) BT FF 900


I have had BT FF 900 for around 4 months now and consistently get poor upload (and lower than guaranteed download). I would get anywhere from 20 - 30Mbps upload before when on BT fibre 100. It causes some serious issues when working and trying to file share and upload; main reason I upgraded was to speed up file transfers.

Both BT wholesale and Ookla give identical upload results but differ in download results. Any advice would be great as I was told over the phone that upload is what it is and there is nothing to be done, which I don't believe as upload has been better (but still not great) previously on a lower speed and price package.


 BT speed 28.8.24.png


Ookla Speed check 28.8.24.png


Ookla speed history.png




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Message 1 of 9

Re: Slow upload speed, (900mbs FTTP package)

Hi sorry to hijack an old thread but I am having an identical issue. 900mbs fttp with BT Smart Hub 2. I average anywhere from 350mbs - 850mbs DL but only around 6mbs - 8mbs UL

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Message 3 of 9

Re: Slow upload (and occasional download) BT FF 900

Hi @Chester85 

Welcome to the BT Community

There are a couple of things you can try. The first step is to restart both modem and router to refresh your connection. 

That involves switching off the power to the Optical modem (where your connection comes into the home) and also switch off your router hub both at the same time. 
They need to be switched off or a minimum of 3 minutes to allow the connection to refresh (anything less than 3 minutes will simply continue the previous session) 

Once you have switched back on allow it a few minutes for the internet connection to re-establish itself. 

You can find more information about the Optical modem at Restart your Openreach Modem



Message 4 of 9

Re: Slow upload (and occasional download) BT FF 900

Thanks Ali. This has been tried several times. All tests are also carried out on a PC with different Cat 6 ethernet cables
0 Ratings
Message 5 of 9

Re: Slow upload (and occasional download) BT FF 900

@Chester85 Thanks for letting me know. 

You may need to contact Customer Care again to check your line has the correct Cap applied. This is something new so it's worth asking about that specifically. 


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Message 6 of 9

Re: Slow upload (and occasional download) BT FF 900

This has been ongoing from day one 4 months ago and is nothing new and has been raised for a call back and enquiry 3 times now. On the first day when it should still have been switching over I was getting 930D/80U but after that it has been intermittent down with a best of 800+ Mbps and an average of 4-700Mbps but the upload has been 6Mbps throughout.


I have spoken to customer services before and after a 3 day wait for a call back where a very but clearly technically inexperienced person told me on that day my download was at the minimum guaranteed of 700Mbps (still poor IMHO and way below the average but I understand at or above the guarantee), and that they had no control over my upload 🤔; clearly incorrect as my upload has been far better at times in the past and on a lesser cap.  When on BT 100 my upload was 5x better than now. My upload is shocking and affects my work and also other things such as online gaming.

At 6Mbps I'm getting below my minimum speed and over 100Mbps less than my maximum. Way off my estimated. I may as well go back to copper and pay pennies.

I'm annoyed I did not go back to Virgin at this point as even though they are generous with there speed estimates they are nowhere near this. I'm currently browsing OFCOM's Voluntary Code of Practice


BT speeds.jpg


0 Ratings
Message 7 of 9

Re: Slow upload (and occasional download) BT FF 900

There have been a few problems posted about slow upload , and it’s not always the same issue , although occasionally a few things are done simultaneously so it’s never clear which particular thing was responsible for the poor performance, to start with the ( relatively ) easy things , you need a visit and for the tech  to replace the ONT and clean the  SC/APC ‘connector’   ( the green plug that connects to the ONT ) , if that doesn’t fix the issue , then realistically it’s a headend issue , although optically your connection is identical to every other connection on your splitter , so every user on the splitter would be experiencing the same issue ….l doubt it’s a provisioning issue but it’s may  be worth getting your service effectively ceased and then re providing to clear out any potential data corruption , unfortunately it does seem to require tenacity to get these issues sorted when the download is OK , and only upload is the problem 

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Message 8 of 9

Re: Slow upload (and occasional download) BT FF 900

Thanks for the informative reply. I will begin once again the process of reporting a connection issue.

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Message 9 of 9

Re: Slow upload (and occasional download) BT FF 900


Just a reply to say thanks and all sorted. It was indeed an issue with the SC/APC ‘connector’.

A clean (carried out by a friend who had some optical/fibre cleaning equipment)Bt Speed test after cl.pngOokla Speed test after cl.png and now getting  very healthy results. So not my equipment but on my end. Any way, thanks for the advice

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