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Message 1 of 27

Speed cap at 40/10 but line capable of 54Mbps

I’ve just had a visit from an engineer to fix a fault on the line and he mentioned that we have a speed cap of 40Mbps, but our line is capable of 54Mbps.

I spoke to several different people at BT today through chat and on the phone and they were adamant that I am on the fastest speed possible and they would not upgrade me to fibre 1 to even see if it would work. I was also told that there was no speed cap on the line at all. However, when I went through the availability checker as if I was a new customer using my full address it offered me Fibre 1 with average speeds of 50Mbps. 

Currently my speed is around 37Mbps, so if I was able to get up to 54 it would make a massive difference. Wondered if anyone could help me at all? I don’t know an awful lot about it but I know something doesn’t make sense! 

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Message 2 of 27

Re: Speed cap at 40/10 but line capable of 54Mbps

Please post a screenshot of your hub stats.

Advanced settings > technical log> information

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Message 3 of 27

Re: Speed cap at 40/10 but line capable of 54Mbps


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Message 4 of 27

Re: Speed cap at 40/10 but line capable of 54Mbps

Yes, you are capped at 40/10 although the best you will get with fibre 1 is only 48Mbps. In reality,  you are unlikely to notice the difference if moved to fibre 1.



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Message 5 of 27

Re: Speed cap at 40/10 but line capable of 54Mbps


Thanks @licquorice, so do you not think there would be a noticeable difference between the 37ish we currently get (not always that good) and the 48? Appreciate the reply! 

Have attached a speed test taken just beside the hub for reference 🙂 

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Message 6 of 27

Re: Speed cap at 40/10 but line capable of 54Mbps

Depends what you use the internet for.

Unless you are streaming multiple channels or downloading large files, you won't notice the difference.

What actual package are you paying for?


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Message 7 of 27

Re: Speed cap at 40/10 but line capable of 54Mbps

It’s the Home Essentials unlimited fibre essential plan. When I renewed the contract I was told that was the best to go for as that was the maximum speed I could get but turns out that wasn’t strictly true.

My kids do a lot of gaming and downloading of updates for their games so the extra speed would be beneficial for that I suppose, especially when all 3 are on at once! 

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Message 8 of 27

Re: Speed cap at 40/10 but line capable of 54Mbps

Gaming itself doesn't use much bandwidth but downloading large games and updates would be slightly quicker with the extra speed.

Try speaking to customer services again if you wish to move to Fibre 1.

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Message 9 of 27

Re: Speed cap at 40/10 but line capable of 54Mbps

Thank you, they told me it would be about £65.99 a month to change because I’m still in contract so it’s not really doable I don’t think. I’ll remember for the next renewal though! 

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Message 10 of 27

Re: Speed cap at 40/10 but line capable of 54Mbps

BT Home Essentials is the social tariff for those on qualifying benefits, the ‘standard’ version is 40Mb , there is a ‘faster’ social tariff, BT Home Essentials 2 is the equivalent of F2 speeds ( 80Mb profile ) ,

If you wanted 55Mb even though you line can’t quite reach that , but can go a bit faster than 40Mb , you presumably would forgo your social tariff and be paying the normal consumer rate, as 55Mb doesn’t have a social tariff….

a further complication is BT confusingly sell ‘Fibre Essential’  ( not not to be confused Home Essentials ) which is also a 40Mb profile , it’s not clear to me what the OP actually is paying for , BT Home Essentials ( social tariff) or Fibre Essential a regular consumer offering.

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