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Message 1 of 10

Switching to BT - request line to NOT be put on fast path/ request line to remain unstabilised?

Hi all,

Story time. 

I was on BT  a couple years ago on the Infinity 2 package and everything was fine. Was getting around 46mbps down with a stable ping of 24ms. We had an engineer round who decided to remove the original star wiring and our speeds went up to 76mbps and ping decreased to 6ms. Before the wiring was changed, online gaming were almost perfect; I had no lag, no packet loss, no issues whatsoever and then from the day the wiring was changed I started having massive problems - lots of packet loss, lots of lag, gaming became unresponsive and really unplayable.

I then switched to TalkTalk and during the first 3 days (the stabilisation period) I was getting around 50 mbps with ping 22ms and gaming was perfectly fine. However after the stabilisation period my speed went up to 76mbps and ping dropped to 6ms and I started experiencing the same online gaming issues. 

I then switched to sky and the same pattern occurred - as soon as the ping drops after stabilisation period, my connection for online gaming becomes disgusting. 

I've carried out different experiments using different modems, routers, master sockets, different filters, star wiring, different types of telephone cable ie cat 5, cat 7, daisy chain wiring you name it but I just cant seem to get my old connection back.

Having done some research, I believe that DLM has put me on a fast path latency and in order for DLM to MAINTAIN a fast path connection it probably sacrifices packets hence the packet loss and unplayable gaming. Or it's doing some error correction even though the error is not affecting my line in the first place. For example I might keep my openreach modem off for 24 hours then switch it on - I'll play a game of fifa for example and the first game is okay (players can run, pass without it being unplayable, then I'll see a massive spike in ping from 6ms to like 600ms and then players become slow, sluggish, my opponents seems ahead etc. I've got all the video evidence I need to prove im not talking rubbish.

My question to you is as I prepare to return to BT next week - I know I'll be in a stabilisation period for the first 3 days where the connection is perfect for online gaming, but how do I maintain this and stop the line being stabilised/put on fast path because it is truly frustrating and I've been having this issues for the last few years. 

I have posted many times before on the forum about DLM etc however I've just been disregarded by moderators on this forum. Nevertheless I've carried out so many different tests and narrowed it down to DLM/Fast path latency.  

Please could somebody help 

Many thanks.

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Message 2 of 10

Re: Switching to BT - request line to NOT be put on fast path/ request line to remain unstabilised?

What you seem to be saying is by making your line perform better , with faster speed and lower pings your gaming experience is worse , than when you had a defective line with slower speed and higher pings ( which is somewhat counterintuitive )
TBH , I doubt you will get anywhere with this , DLM will apply whatever the quality of the line dictates , I doubt there is a mechanism to force DLM to deal with the line as if it were in ‘worse’ condition is than it actually is , thereby slowing things down.
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Message 3 of 10

Re: Switching to BT - request line to NOT be put on fast path/ request line to remain unstabilised?

Is your phone number important to you?

Maybe a bit extreme but if not, you could try ordering a new service from BT rather than switching the existing one. That would get you a completely separate connection & so should bypass anything specific to your line or port in the cabinet. Then cancel the old service.


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Message 4 of 10

Re: Switching to BT - request line to NOT be put on fast path/ request line to remain unstabilised?

Actually, DLM has 3 profiles that ISPs can select that provide either speed or stability by setting target snrm to 3,6 or 9dBm

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Message 5 of 10

Re: Switching to BT - request line to NOT be put on fast path/ request line to remain unstabilised?

Has this not been covered in your other merged threads about the same issue.

Sick and tired of Openreach DLM - BT Community

In response to your comments about the moderators not responding, they did respond in message 16.

Message 6 of 10

Re: Switching to BT - request line to NOT be put on fast path/ request line to remain unstabilised?

That's exactly what I'm saying and its infuriating that this is what I'm experiencing. Im not asking for like 1ms ping or like the most out of this world connection ever I just want it to be stable so I can play and not be at a constant disadvantage due to this issue. There surely has to be some way because it was fine for the 3/4 years I had BT infinity from 2012. Only started having this issue when the wiring changed to just 1 master socket.
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Message 7 of 10

Re: Switching to BT - request line to NOT be put on fast path/ request line to remain unstabilised?

Landline is important yes. To be honest I've tried out both my neighbours connections too and its a similar issue, not mention trying different ISPs myself and getting the same issue. Think fast path latency is a massive issue. Especially since I'm only like 20-30 metres from the green cab and have a short line, DLM will always stick me on fast path after 3 days stabilisation period. Thank you for the suggestion though 🙂
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Message 8 of 10

Re: Switching to BT - request line to NOT be put on fast path/ request line to remain unstabilised?

So is it possible for an ISP to put me on a different profile and stop me from being put on fast path ever?
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Message 9 of 10

Re: Switching to BT - request line to NOT be put on fast path/ request line to remain unstabilised?

It has been explained to you in your previous thread. DLM will do what is required to keep your line stable. BT will not ask for it to be over ridden if it is going to give you an unstable line as that could introduce its own problems.

In any event nothing will be done until you are connected.

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Message 10 of 10

Re: Switching to BT - request line to NOT be put on fast path/ request line to remain unstabilised?

from numerous previous post on adsl and vdsl connections the gamers who posted on the forum wanted to be on FAST not Interleaved as FAST was preferred better for gaming so interesting you want the exact opposite

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