Message 11 of 20

Re: Upgrade to FTTP - OR delay

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Understood couple of weeks ago that it is complex and not simple based on the help from this forum as well as what happened with physical duct work outside my house. However whether it is B2B or B2C, there is always a real status / reason available for the delay provided to the B or C.  "We are trying to work out how to connect" seems a bit funny though. If that wasn't known then they should not agree a contract, right ? I am sure if  FTTP wasn't ready to be configured and delivered they wouldn't agree to a contract.

Here in this case though I believe the above status means something else of course (it could be routing, could be broken fiber somewhere, not laid cable somewhere,....) But I certainly would like to know what it is. I can certainly understand what it is , if they tell me.

Resourcing issues is a thing for the OR management, and whether the delay is due to resourcing or other reasons, I understand I have no control over it.

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Message 12 of 20

Re: Upgrade to FTTP - OR delay

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Hello Again 👋🏿

I understand your frustration, BT are working hard to upgrade their network to enable FULL FIBRE by 2026, Openreach are working extremely hard to get every job completed in time with no delay.

Once installed swapping providers hasn’t been easier you can swap within 24 hours as it’s done remotely by Openreach.

unfortunately Openreach have 24 hours to provide an update, yes they can view is a job has been assigned or waiting assignment or customer missed appointment or engineer missed appointment or if further work is required.

whatever the case maybe no provider nor Openreach can action jobs or reschedule appointments until the next business day.

offline would normally contact yourself but with the delay on that contact you’ve probably called up got it real booked and this will reschedule the offline action.

unfortunately that’s the process with Openreach only Openreach can change that process but it’s in place to see what’s required and how long it’ll take to complete.

all these little things add Delays.

But absolutely any provider can offer you a Full Fibre Contract, the contract isn’t started until 14 days after your services go live.

we can provide the services, where the infrastructure isn’t available you wouldn’t be able to order it.

there is only a delay on the install etc, so you will get FTTP services but it’s in delay.

to know the exact reason to the Delay and how the delay is progressing then you’ll need to contact BT for that matter but this is just a blanket overview on delays and how it works.

I understand that delays due to resourcing isn’t no fault of your own this is why you’ll be entitled to £5.83 a day auto compensation plus £29.56 for very missed engineers appointment which is paid to your account as credit 30 days after your services go live, which will appear on your next bill or bill after depending how they fell and the day you got services plus 30 days but it’s something towards the trouble.

hope this helps 😊

Hope this helps! 🙂 If you like my reply and
want to say thanks for the helpful answer
then please click on the Kudos on left hand
side 😉 also if I answers your question correctly please let us know by clicking on Mark as Accepted Solution 😄
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Message 13 of 20

Re: Upgrade to FTTP - OR delay

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Hi @prasadm I'm so sorry about the delay with installing your full-fibre broadband, that appears to be a generic holding statement from the engineers, I'm sure they know what needs to happen next and I'm sorry you haven't been updated.

I'll send you a private message so you can get in touch with the moderation team and we'll be happy to contact Openreach to find out what's happening. We're quite busy in the moderation team at the moment so it will take us a few days before we'll be able to respond, sorry.



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Message 14 of 20

Re: Upgrade to FTTP - OR delay

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OK, so today at 7.53 pm, OR seems to have terminated my existing  broadband without connecting  my Fiber. So effectively  dependent on my mobile now. Just got off the phone with BT who says they can't do anything now as OR close at 8 and they can get an update only after 6 pm tomorrow.  They say they the copper seems to have been taken out and even if they ask OR it will take at least a month to restore it. So only hope now is to put the fiber through ASAP. No idea why they terminated it without putting through my broadband..

Am I allowed to be angry ?. Because that is the only thing I can do for now it seems !

I am using my mobile now. BT says even the BT WiFi closest to me is in some shop some distance away..

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Message 15 of 20

Re: Upgrade to FTTP - OR delay

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So someone was supposed to fix my FTTP connection today external to my house and nothing seems to have fixed it. I called BT and I am told, that at about 15:30 an OR engineer has updated their system saying the external work has been done. However, on the ONT the same status as before,  PON LED blinking green. no one has contacted me, and BT says the engineer also has noted that another engineer to come out to the property on the 6th of June. No idea what is going on..

Meanwhile I am left at the mercy of the 4G dongle with a data connection that is very temperamental.

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Message 16 of 20

Re: Upgrade to FTTP - OR delay

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Did you reply  to the mods message to you? If so they will get back to you when you get to the  top of the queue. They take all assistance requests in order  recieved but they will update you until things are resolved.

Obviouslyif they are busy ir may take longer to contact you.

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Message 17 of 20

Re: Upgrade to FTTP - OR delay

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Hi @pippincp Oh yes, mods have been in touch and they are tracking my case as well. Really thankful for that .

But how OR as an organisation has setup their systems and processes, mods have not much control, right ? They can only help set right things when we have an issue.

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Message 18 of 20

Re: Upgrade to FTTP - OR delay

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Phew .. Finally after lots of going back and forth, my FTTP connection was finally put through today.  However I am on a 150 package, but the speed I get ( on a wired connection using a Gigabit interface)  is ~94 Mbps, and U/L is ~10. Is this normal ?

I tried Ookla, fast.com,uSwitch, all of them report nearly same +/- 0.5 difference

Or is there a stabilisation period where this will improve ? I mean even though it is a fiber 150 package, 100 Mbps is the minimum guaranteed

The light measurements at the ONT is ~-22.6

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Message 19 of 20

Re: Upgrade to FTTP - OR delay

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There is no stabalisation period but there is a config update the hub should recieve within 72 hrs of your service going live.

Any test should be via a wired connection.

If you don't  see an improvement by Friday post back and I'm sure the mods will sort it out for you.

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Message 20 of 20

Re: Upgrade to FTTP - OR delay

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@pippincpThank you ! Will do

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