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Message 1 of 4

Will BT/OR move ADSL only area customers to FTTH - FoC?

Anyone know of any plans BT or OR have to offer a free migration to FTTH, free of charge, when it becomes installed in an ADSL only area?
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Message 2 of 4

Re: Will BT/OR move ADSL only area customers to FTTH - FoC?

There is no difference in price for a FTTH service to any copper service like for like. It is only if you opt for the higher speeds that there is a price increase.

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Message 3 of 4

Re: Will BT/OR move ADSL only area customers to FTTH - FoC?

There is currently no forced migration from ADSL/VDSL to FTTP , but if an area achieves the appropriate level of OR FTTP penetration ( 75% I believe ) then there can be a copper stop sell applied by Openreach, so anyone moving provider on Openreach , re contracting with their current one , or taking a new OR based service , it’s a new FTTP installation,( or moved onto FTTP)  as part of that order process ( remain out of contract , nothing changes ) , but as already stated , there is no price differential between FTTC and FTTP , so taking someone on an 80Mb profile on FTTC , is no more expensive to move to FTTP 80Mb , so why not switch ?,  there is no compulsion to take the higher speeds FTTP can deliver ,  if happy with 40Mb , stay with 40Mb  .

In many cases OR incentivise the ISP to move their customers onto FTTP when it becomes available ( even below the 75% threshold ) , so as well as no increase in monthly cost , most will also  provide the FTTP installation for ‘free’ 

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Message 4 of 4

Re: Will BT/OR move ADSL only area customers to FTTH - FoC?

Thanks to both for the replies. There are some ADSL customers that are on older tariffs that are much less per month than the current prices. It would be good idea if BT etc had a budget 20mb FTTH tariff. There are a lot of workers out there who do not earn much but can not qualify for social tariffs.
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