Message 11 of 22

Re: catch 22 mum being ripped off

looking at the adslchecker results your mother is on fibre 2 and has a connection speed of 75mb not 40mb as you posted

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Message 12 of 22

Re: catch 22 mum being ripped off

Why is that relevant?Are you saying that is worth £80 a month? I ran an ethernet speed test on her router and it was around 40Mbps.

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Message 13 of 22

Re: catch 22 mum being ripped off

I really just want to know how to get her bill down to around £40 a month, which is what it should be with phone. As far as I can see, that is not possible.


Have been in contact with the Martin Lewis news department and they seem quite interested in possibly running this as a story. After months of banging my head against a wall, seems that may be the only option now.

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Message 14 of 22

Re: catch 22 mum being ripped off

£80 for F2 even on an out of contract basis isn’t £80 , perhaps you can give a breakdown of the bill , are there any extras like Halo , a inclusive calling plan , TV , etc….

I’d agree that it seems unfair to push customers towards FTTP when it’s available, but in DIG areas ( that’s what the SNN says ‘partial direct in ground’ to expect customers to pay for the last part of the civils work, understandable a mansion at the end of a 1/2 mile driveway, but not a regular residential address….FWIW , these excess construction rules seem open to interpretation.

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Message 15 of 22

Re: catch 22 mum being ripped off

All she has is inclusive UK calls, no TV or anything else. Just 13 years of annual price walking. She grew up with 1 choice of the GPO telephone so the concept of switching doesn't really make sense to her. Luckily we discovered what has been going on and have taken a proactive approach to help her now.

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Message 16 of 22

Re: catch 22 mum being ripped off

looks like you are stuck being unable to get FTTP so maybe you should try complaining to BT CEO email address is available online and hopefully ELC ( executive level complaints) can help you get a new cheaper contract

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Message 17 of 22

Re: catch 22 mum being ripped off

Unlimited calls adds £12-£18 , so  thats £25-£30 more expensive than someone who has a two year deal close to expire ( my 2 year deal F2 with PAYG phone expires in a couple of months ) so to be paying anywhere near £80 they must have been out of contract and on a legacy package for many years , nothing like a 2 year deal just out of minimum term……

FYI , no provider can unilaterally move customers onto a different tariff without consent , even if that would benefit them , so those that don’t check and negotiate or switch can be disadvantaged.

TBH , BT do call customers and offer the latest deals , and for the last few years it’s required to advise customers as they approach the end of a minimum term , obviously it’s not  altruistic they want to re-contract  customers , but that would be beneficial to both , but you can’t make a customer answer the sales call or take what’s on offer ….so although it’s not ideal , no one has been taken advantage of either.

Message 18 of 22

Re: catch 22 mum being ripped off

How about a contract that automatically puts people out of contract on a standard rate, say 25% above the best current deals, that would be the moral thing to do. No big profits there though!

Message 19 of 22

Re: catch 22 mum being ripped off

Customers are sent email/letter advising contract ending and date provided and up to customer to decide what to do next whether to ignore/re-negotiate new deal/ move to another ISP

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Message 20 of 22

Re: catch 22 mum being ripped off

Contact your local trading standards office. In this situation, they are probably more useful than a forum such as this, which has an empathy deficit!

I only learn by making mistakes and owning up to them - boy do I learn a lot!
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