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Message 1 of 10

ont unit can you turn lights off on timer like can on Router

ont unit can you turn lights off on timer like can on Router

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Message 2 of 10

Re: ont unit can you turn lights off on timer like can on Router


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Message 3 of 10

Re: ont unit can you turn lights off on timer like can on Router

Re licquorice

Yes that seems  the case on the Optical Network Terminal 

which i find strange becasue you can adjust light& place on & off on My FTTP Router 2.0 through the HUb Manger on a timer  

i have had the ONT Terminal fitted into a Bedroom & the light on at Night i find Quite Intrusive i have had Discussion with BT with a deaf ears approach i have asked if any new type unit comes avaible Would I  be available to have installed   But they have Told me that even if a  new Design   unit comes available YOU  have to keep what you have  take it or Leave it approach not the Answer i really want to hear< Not when they place on Recored Message award winning customer service !!!!!!!!!!

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Message 4 of 10

Re: ont unit can you turn lights off on timer like can on Router

Is it in an appropriate position to have say a side table or something in front of it?

There are also blackout stickers for led lights you could try

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Message 5 of 10

Re: ont unit can you turn lights off on timer like can on Router

Just put a piece of sticky tape over the lights if you find them intrusive.
Message 6 of 10

Re: ont unit can you turn lights off on timer like can on Router


Re licquorice

Yes that seems  the case on the Optical Network Terminal 

which i find strange becasue you can adjust light& place on & off on My FTTP Router 2.0 through the HUb Manger on a timer  

i have had the ONT Terminal fitted into a Bedroom & the light on at Night i find Quite Intrusive i have had Discussion with BT with a deaf ears approach i have asked if any new type unit comes avaible Would I  be available to have installed   But they have Told me that even if a  new Design   unit comes available YOU  have to keep what you have  take it or Leave it approach not the Answer i really want to hear< Not when they place on Recored Message award winning customer service !!!!!!!!!!

I would say with reasonable safety that there will never be an Openreach installed ONT that will allow you to turn the lights off. The ISP is not responsible for the ONT, Openreach are responsible for it and to allow for some sort of light adjustment you would need to log into it and hold some user level access to perform that task, the ONT is completely locked down as far as the end user is concerned and for good reason, it will never happen so you're going to need to put tape over it.

BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
Message 7 of 10

Re: ont unit can you turn lights off on timer like can on Router

placing tape over is not ideal  on a multi million business & you have to  place tape over a bad design 

 If I Recall on my original installation on a  FTTC  many Years ago there was a separate unit then , the design changed to have connections straight  into Router would this be the Case for the ONT unit eventually it will be built into the Router

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Message 8 of 10

Re: ont unit can you turn lights off on timer like can on Router

No.  The nature of optical fibre and lasers means that this will never be suitable for home users to connect/disconnect directly to a router.  Plus it's Openreach property, not the ISP's and their demarc point, like the old master socket.

As people have said, black PVC tape.  Done properly, it can look quite presentable.

Message 9 of 10

Re: ont unit can you turn lights off on timer like can on Router

Highly doubt they’ll ever have a Router that plugs directly into the SC Fibre Connector.

Fibre hates dirt and can only be cleaned with the correct cleaning wipes or better yet One Click Cleaner, neither of which 99.9% of people have in their house.

If people start unplugging and plugging the Connector into multiple different Routers over time it’ll cause major Light Loss Issues.

Really the lesson to learn here is don’t have boxes with bright lights installed in the room you sleep in if they bother you that much.

Message 10 of 10

Re: ont unit can you turn lights off on timer like can on Router

Dear Aspiring Expert

Move all the connections i have with a Hard wired PC  everthing working the whole set up in this bedroom Truth is there is no Lessons learnt  

pS its 2024/ 25  Technology advancing& you cant have switch on a ONT unit to switch the lights  on / off or have Timer like the same idea on a Router through hub manger just to place a timer on/off  the Lights Lesson not interfering with the ONT unit what so ever  lesson learnt here is back to the drawing Board !!!!!!!!!!!!


It does begger the Question here why have you on ther Router Through the Hub manger have this facility to place a timer on the lights unit (  The  Answer  is they felt it was needed there you have the answer to your comments !!!!) 

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