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slow FTTC Broadband & help from BT guide?

Having issues with my FTTC broadband (forever in the hope we get FTTP at some point)

Over the last few weeks once a week the speed drops from 74mbps to 3 to 5 mbps and with each speed test I do the speed changes, gets to about 15mbps then back down to 3mbps .

Its always in the late afternoon/ early evening. I reset the router etc but makes no difference. I requested a call back yesterday and a rapid.bt.com “guide” called me.

Thing is all the guide kept insisting was that I had too many devices on my WIFI (I have 3 mobiles and 2 tablets on it plus a smart stat and a camera?)  I asked the guide what bearing does that have on the speed coming into my router? All the speed tests I’m doing are on my PC which is directly connected to my router via ethernet.

They said that the router was very “congested “and needed a factory reset, I did this (pain in the rear as I then had to reset the passwords etc) and guess what no difference at all.

They said leave it a few days and it will sort itself out (technical!). they said as far as they could see there were no faults on the line .

The broadband speed as of this morning is back to the sort of speed it should be, but I don’t really believe it had anything to do with the factory reset as the last time it did it ,it  was back to normal the following morning?

Does anyone know if the BT guides trained techs?

Thanks in advance .

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Message 2 of 3

Re: slow FTTC Broadband & help from BT guide?

I think even you know thats **bleep**.....

Ultimately the person at the end of the line has very little ability available to them to actually solve any issue outside your house apart from the log a fault. They will also be using scripts because they have such a wide range of products to try and support.

FTTC is more unpredictable than FTTP, they were probably going off the hope it would just resolve itself but they will always get you to exhaust everything in the house first. The congested router stuff is rubbish, you could have plenty things sitting their idle which sure may effect the latency by a couple MS but it wouldnt spoil a speed test to.

When I worked in tech support we could not log anything up to the wholesaler until the end user had exhausted the basic checks....connect to the master socket, disconnect all other devices, factory reset etc etc. Reason being if an engineer was sent to look at something the fault did actually turn out to be in the house the resident would be charged.

My advice, run your own router if you know how and just keep the BT one there unconfigured to plug in should there ever be a fault, I keep mine under the sofa just in case I have to plug it in to log a fault, thankfully I have not, but doing it this way means you wont lose any of your config.

BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
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Message 3 of 3

Re: slow FTTC Broadband & help from BT guide?

Many thanks for the advice, i did think it was a bit rubbish but thought i would ask 😃

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