<p>From 31 October 2024, BT Cloud has <a href="https://www.bt.com/help/broadband/bt-cloud/getting-set-up/download-or-access-files/how-do-i-download-files--folders-and-devices-from-bt-cloud-">closed</a> and all data will soon be deleted.</p>
Re: Equifax lists BT mobile as current. Cancelled in 2020
If the DD is still active I believe that would point towards the account still being active, from memory the blurb when cancelling says BT would cancel it too
Re: Equifax lists BT mobile as current. Cancelled in 2020
Thank you. I hope that solves it. I’m gradually working my way through telecoms co. Next is EE-same as BT and then Virgin. But both EE and virgin DDs have been cancelled, different terms as different contracts I guess