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Message 11 of 17

Re: Family Sim Moving to EE

Thanks for the info, Not sure I like a single PAC for multiple numbers. Porting is generally straightforward but when it goes wrong it takes some fixing! 

Should be automatic really, with some sort of migration script the call centres can use to push it all through without the end user having to get involved. I guess it wasn’t worth the investment if BT-M has lower customer numbers.

0 Ratings
Message 12 of 17

Re: Family Sim Moving to EE


Just curious, is this a move you requested or is it being forced on you?

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Message 13 of 17

Re: Family Sim Moving to EE

Also interested in this move, as I see no concept of a family package on EE. 

0 Ratings
Message 14 of 17

Re: Family Sim Moving to EE

No I didn't request it, it's come about as part of a complete contract renewal - I only rang to talk about our broadband! I was told I'm better off moving the contract to EE. 

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Message 15 of 17

Re: Family Sim Moving to EE

I wonder if this, together with EE plans being offered on the BT web site, marks the beginning of the end for BT branded mobile?

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Not applicable
Message 16 of 17

Re: Family Sim Moving to EE

They offer it to everyone when they call up to renew or if they’re changing package within the last few months of their contract.  I have a line with EE and one with BT, I kept one on BT as for now they still offer inclusive EU roaming whereas EE are going to introduce a daily charge. 

When they offer to move you over to EE there’s a 10% discount (iirc) but tariffs tend to be more expensive. On EE website the list price for unlimited data is £35 but on BT the max you can get (without Halo) is 100GB for £25 (booster to unlimited and discounted by £5 with Halo).

They did look at  tariffs to try and find me one that was around the same price but told me that I would still end up paying more which I was happy to do on my main line to get visual voicemail and  other Apple services.

Currently BT mobile is still accepting new contracts, I don’t see the offering disappearing just yet.

Not applicable
Message 17 of 17

Re: Family Sim Moving to EE

I believe another bonus of having a family account of SIMs on EE is the ability to gift data across them if one is getting low, a bit like on Sky mobile.

I don't believe unused data rolls over in the same way as on Sky, but that is a gimmick as far as I am concerned. I can never get a decent enough signal to actually use data anyway when out, which has been limited due to Covid so we have been stuck at home using Wi-Fi anyway! 🤣

I currently have over 700GB in my piggybank, utterly pointless and one of the reasons I will be returning to BT/EE when contracts expire.

The Apple stuff doesn't work for me as I already have an Apple One Premier subscription. 

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